I'm in favor of legalizing all vices, taxing them, turning them into legitimate businesses, and regulating them. Including all drugs (meth and heroin included) and prostitution. Criminalizing these non-violent, only hurting oneself acts adds a violent and criminal element to them and they are foregoing potential tax dollars that could go to improving the country. Criminalizing these items doesn't prevent people from obtaining nor would decriminalizing them encourage people to use them. People who want to do heroin are going to find a way to get it regardless, and people who aren't doing drugs now aren't going to dive into them just because they become legal. Much like with prohibition, the governments cannot effect the laws of supply and demand; They can only turn such an enterprise into a dangerous underground operation. I do believe that the war on drugs and prostitution will eventually prove to be a lesson in futility.
So to answer your question Pack, I would like to be the first legal seller of all drugs and prostitution (like in Nevada).
Last edited by Futuremogul888; 12-29-2012 at 11:52 AM.