It could very well be that I am not conveying my question well. I will go into more detail on my train of thought. What I am interested in knowing, and this may have already been answered, but I have not found the answer, is has anyone set up multiple accounts at a single library, using different, fictitous names for each account, and manage those accounts for long periods of time only through the library without getting caught by ebay?
I saw another post about going through AOL, but you can not not install an AOL browser at the library. My friend set up an account at the library, but she was using her real name and address. There has to be a number of people who use the library to set up accounts each year. According to what I have read here, if your IP address is connected with something that causes you to get naru'd, then every account at that IP address gets naru'd too. But, the libraries have been there for years, and hundreds if not thousands of people have probably set up ebay accounts, and surely some of those people have been naru'd. So, if this is the case, how do all the other people manage to keep the accounts they set up at the library's IP address? I am wondering if I set up accounts in fictitious names at the library, and one of my accounts is discovered, will all my accounts be naru'd? Will everyone who has signed up with ebay at the library be naru'd as well?