Insufficient description
I've never seen this kind of take down before. I listed the title, condition and the contents with my own picture of all the contents. I have to admit, this listing was a little bit shorter than my usual listings. I didn't put a shipping policy that I usually put on all my auctions. Anybody ever had this problem before and what was the work around? None of my past violations was for this item. I would bet a dollar this was done by a competitor.
Your listing has been removed.
- Past violations of policy
- Insufficient description of the item or no photos of the item
For a safe shopping experience on eBay and to make buyers feel confident about their purchases, we will at times remove certain listings from the site.
Unfortunately, your item was removed because of the way it was listed.
Last edited by JohnnyBoy; 04-17-2010 at 06:13 PM.