please help me change ip address. - eBay Suspended & PayPal Limited Forums
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Old 12-31-2007
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Default please help me change ip address.

I would sooo appreciate any help anyone could give me. I just bough a bunch of stuff to sell on ebay before they shut me down. I need this money to pay for christmas gifts for my kids. I am a single mom, I know nothing about computers/ (my 11 year old does all the computer stuff for me". I will try to explain the best I can. Please let me know If I am not saying this right.

O.k, I have cox high speed interent. With a modem and router. I have a older mac computer in the basement. That computer has one of those wireless routers things so my laptop works upstairs. O.k. So then my son's father gives him an old gateway computer. He puts that in his room. I ask a friend how to hook it up and he tells me just to buy another one of these wireless routers for his computer. So Now I have a computer in the basement. (mac) a mac notebook. and smallz has the gateway. 3 computers 1 modem 2 wireless routers. I think I should dump the gateway and give the older mac to smallz but that is another story.

Do I shut down all the computers first before unplugging the modem? do I have to unplug all the wireless too?

I have concern about my ip address. My son went ahead and added himself on myspace w/out my permission. As an 11 year old boy to top it off. Plus he just got xbox 360 live. He has been getting a few strange people wanting to play. sometimes I will go in and take the headphones and ask who he is talking to and the other person hangs up on me.

If I address this with cox would they change my ip address for me?

I am so sorry this is so long. I ramble.
The funny thing is. I most likely wouldn't even care if ebay didn't do this to me. Or at least helped me to solve this problem. They turn normal people like me into this. like I am a criminal .Now all I want to do is get back on and screw them. (not my customers). I wish I had the money to file suit.
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Old 01-02-2008
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Found this elsewhere on this forum:

type "cmd"
type "ipconfig /release"
then after all done type
"ipconfig /renew"
should get a new ip.

Good luck!
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