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got a strange one.
I'm a seller/buyer (still) in good standing,
but have been denied access to the eBay discussion boards,
and to my eBay groups,including the ones that I started.
eBay CS said it 'may' be a glitch, and will pass it on to tech. 
Sent an email to LiveWorld, (who currently handles the moderation duties for eBay)
but have little hope there.
I think the problem may have happened when I used a posting/buying ID to go in the eBay Discussion forums.
I posted to the feedback forum. **A word to the wise: don't post there if you value your accounts**
A couple of the posters (the REALLY meanspirited ones)
took turns reporting me,
and then finally made a big push around Xmas and got me indefinitely suspended from posting.
I could still lurk,
but wasn't restricted on my primary account for groups.
Now I'm restricted all the way around, as of yesterday morning.
It's possible that the aforementioned meddlesome s*umbags reported some more (previous) posts.
It may seem like a small thing for those who have had their selling accounts suspended,
but my groups are important to me,
and would like to be able to access my groups again,
as folks are counting on me to run them.
Any ideas on how to get around this?
The complete step-by-step guide to get back to selling today!
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Welcome to the forums. I am sure other folx with experience will chime in later - I have no experience with these discussion groups. Stealth account would help but as for discussion under your old username, I don't know.
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Thanks for the welcome.
I had bookmarked this forum, just in case something happened.
(as it did.....)
Evidently I'm on a list of some sort, as generally add'l IDs for other people are not a problem.
But mine now are restricted without ever posting with them.
To post more than 10x day to an eBay discussion board, one needs 10 feedbacks.
100 feedbacks is required to start an eBay group.
Looks like I'll have to do some drastic changes,
like a different IP address, adding another router , maybe even purchasing another account
or something.
Oh, and allow me to reiterate: Do NOT post to the eBay Feedback Forum.
There are people there who have no scruples,
and think nothing of getting your account shut down.
I think they take great pleasure in keeping score.
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eb ay forums prob are horrible I would agree,
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got my 'notice' today from the e bay mods
indefinite suspension on all my accounts,
I can kiss copious boot for reinstatement after 90 days.
So, whaddya think?
Tough it out for 3 months and then beg on anterior ginglymus? 
Hook up a different router, use another physical address and google voice phone#? 
Buy another account? 
Continue to work in a less oppressive climate? 
Purchase the freakin' ebook already? | 
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Stealth is the answer - in any way you wish to do it.
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Hi Sonic,
I was just suspended from the e bay discussion boards too (Feedback Forum).
I had no idea that other posters could make the decision to have me removed/suspended from the boards by hitting the "report" button as many times as they wish.
I didn't violate policy, but did disagree with a couple of the other posters. They got really angry that I disagreed with their views. They took care of my opposing views by getting me kicked off the boards.
I sure wish they had a board moderator. And I wish I had seen your comments here before I even dropped by that Feedback board on e bay.
I've been on e bay for just a few weeks and I've already had my ID's suspended from the boards. At least I can still buy and sell (for now), but it has really sort of knocked the wind out of my sails.
It just seems too easy to be suspended or banned over on e bay. I'm not sure I want to put out much of an effort just to have my ID's blocked/suspended so easily and without a sound basis for such drastic action.
Well, I look forward to learning a lot here. I appreciate that this site exists!
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Ah you have been suspended from boards - yes a lot of hypocrisy and chastising go on there. I would not bother with that kind of discussion mess.
Least your accoutns are good for buying and selling - keep that privilege going.
Yes - it's a privilege and not a right...
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Hi rsot,
Yes, my selling and buying ID's are still okay to use for buying and selling only. I am thankful.
All my ID's are suspended from the discussion boards, chats and any other area where people talk to each other on ebay. It's so odd how these things can happen. It seems like a big company like ebay would be able to use some common sense in how they treat their customers. The bullies over there on the boards are getting away with murder.
As far as the ebay discussion boards go I believe that the bullies are running the boards over there, as just anyone can get another kicked off the boards without proof of any rules or policies violated. Seems pretty backwards to me.
I know being suspended from the ebay discussion boards/forums is not as serious as being dropped from being able to sell/buy on ebay. I have to say that from what I've been reading here it looks like the suspension hammer is coming down on people in about the same way... randomly and without provocation or reason.
Has ebay always done business this way or is this a new thing?
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i'd prepare for stealth WHEN you do get suspended it wont be such a surprise lol
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Originally Posted by sonicbooze got a strange one.
I'm a seller/buyer (still) in good standing,
but have been denied access to the eBay discussion boards,
and to my eBay groups,including the ones that I started.
eBay CS said it 'may' be a glitch, and will pass it on to tech. 
Sent an email to LiveWorld, (who currently handles the moderation duties for eBay)
but have little hope there.
I think the problem may have happened when I used a posting/buying ID to go in the eBay Discussion forums.
I posted to the feedback forum. **A word to the wise: don't post there if you value your accounts**
A couple of the posters (the REALLY meanspirited ones)
took turns reporting me,
and then finally made a big push around Xmas and got me indefinitely suspended from posting.
I could still lurk,
but wasn't restricted on my primary account for groups.
Now I'm restricted all the way around, as of yesterday morning.
It's possible that the aforementioned meddlesome s*umbags reported some more (previous) posts.
It may seem like a small thing for those who have had their selling accounts suspended,
but my groups are important to me,
and would like to be able to access my groups again,
as folks are counting on me to run them.
Any ideas on how to get around this? | I've read those boards, talk about backbiting, slander, slang words that border on cuss words, just overall very unprofessional. It's similar to a Rosanne Barr Rerun... you'd swear they all live in Trailer Parks, eat junk all day and don't bathe.
There are other great forums to connect with other Sellers-try powersellersunite and auctiobytes forums
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Originally Posted by Gman91189 i'd prepare for stealth WHEN you do get suspended it wont be such a surprise lol | Thanks, but if my ID's get suspended from selling and buying I may just move on from ebay. Ebay just isn't such a friendly place to do business anymore. I have read here how people with excellent accounts get banned. It seems that putting a lot of work into ones business on ebay may simply result in disappointment through no fault of their own.
I have the feeling that a lot of people are just saying... "Forget it" to ebay. Am I right?
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It's what a lot of people are NOT saying that counts.
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Originally Posted by Melissa1971 I've read those boards, talk about backbiting, slander, slang words that border on cuss words, just overall very unprofessional. It's similar to a Rosanne Barr Rerun... you'd swear they all live in Trailer Parks, eat junk all day and don't bathe.
There are other great forums to connect with other Sellers-try powersellersunite and auctiobytes forums | Hi Melissa,
You're soooo right, there are a lot of people on the boards over on the ebay discussion boards that are absolutely horrible. I made the mistake of saying I was new... never do that on the ebay boards.
There is no moderator on those boards and so the boards end up being ran by the biggest bully that shows up. The feedback board is not moderated and people are allowed to beat up on each other without mercy. It gets ugly.
There are a few other boards over there on ebay that are a lot of fun, and below the radar of the mean people, and worth dropping in for great information and a laugh or two. I disagreed with the bully on the feedback forum too many times and I got booted off the boards due to a poster hitting the report button.
Unfortunately ebay does not monitor or look over any reported post and just suspends when you get 5 or more reports on your comments. I have learned that the seasoned posters know this all too well. My comments were benign yet they were reported and then I was suspended. The Ebay Moderation Team, who sent me the form email of suspension, has not responded to any of my emails asking for them to clarify where I violated any policies.
Anyway... I enjoy a great debate, but booting someone from the debate for disagreeing with my opinion has never crossed my mind. There's no debate, and not enjoyable, when everyone agrees with me. :-)
I'm glad there are moderators here.
Last edited by Kelly36; 04-12-2011 at 02:33 PM.
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Originally Posted by rsot It's what a lot of people are NOT saying that counts. | How long will ebay survive with their current business practices?
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Normally one can ask for an appeal for an indef suspension after about 3 months.
Don't count on it though,
I was told they would check out my appeal and get back to me in a few days,
and they just blew me off.
They're perfectly happy to take my money for fees,
I can buy and sell without hindrance,
but I'm not trustworthy enough to talk to the other members?
Sounds like a ripe old load of horse sh*t...............
By the time that somebody realizes a mistake was made,
or feels that I have paid enough penance for my grievous misdeeds
it will be too late for the groups that I run.
One of the long-time posters said that if you file an appeal too soon,
the lady running the mod group can sometimes forget.
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Originally Posted by Kelly36 Hi Melissa,
You're soooo right, there are a lot of people on the boards over on the ebay discussion boards that are absolutely horrible. I made the mistake of saying I was new... never do that on the ebay boards.
There is no moderator on those boards and so the boards end up being ran by the biggest bully that shows up. The feedback board is not moderated and people are allowed to beat up on each other without mercy. It gets ugly.
There are a few other boards over there on ebay that are a lot of fun, and below the radar of the mean people, and worth dropping in for great information and a laugh or two. I disagreed with the bully on the feedback forum too many times and I got booted off the boards due to a poster hitting the report button.
Unfortunately ebay does not monitor or look over any reported post and just suspends when you get 5 or more reports on your comments. I have learned that the seasoned posters know this all too well. My comments were benign yet they were reported and then I was suspended. The Ebay Moderation Team, who sent me the form email of suspension, has not responded to any of my emails asking for them to clarify where I violated any policies.
Anyway... I enjoy a great debate, but booting someone from the debate for disagreeing with my opinion has never crossed my mind. There's no debate, and not enjoyable, when everyone agrees with me. :-)
I'm glad there are moderators here.
Kelly | Sorry to hear you were suspended but glad to hear there are a few forums within ebay that are a little better.
Amazons forums aren't real great either or maybe I just don't have the patience for it. | 
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Originally Posted by rsot It's what a lot of people are NOT saying that counts. | ppl are too busy making money thats why.. only because ppl on here aren't bragging about how much they make and what they bought, ppl on here a normally humble to say the least, this forum is for help on how to get back on ebay..
an old saying "you get what you put in"
personally i make more money on here den my job Much more money
there are some members on here that you could call "antique" because they've been on this forum for yrs and yrs and yrs practicing and putting these ebay techniques to gud use and some havent even workd for yrs and yrs
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Originally Posted by rsot It's what a lot of people are NOT saying that counts. | What do you mean? What are people NOT saying?
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