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Old 03-26-2008
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Default Selling an ebay business?

I am still working on opening a stealth seller account but from reading everything on the board and from all of ebays bull**** it just seems inevitable that it will get suspended again. I don't think I have the patience to build a customer base one month, get suspended and have to start all over a month later year in and year out.

I don't sell illegal, restricted or high priced items, I was suspended from ebay for a bull**** 10$ t-shirt which was already being sold all over ebay, it is still being sold to this day actually. From my families resources as wholesalers and export/import I always had the lowest prices BY FAR on ebay but at the same time I don't even sell anything if I am not at the very least going to triple what I paid for the item and in most cases much more. It leads me to believe that it was my competitors who were ultimately my undoing on ebay, as I had several threatening emails from them. I could basically source any item they were selling and get it much cheaper, of course they didn't like this and I don't doubt for a minute that they plotted against me using ebays bias and faulty policies.

So this leads me to ask, what is the feasibility of selling my ebay business? I don't have exact numbers on my inventory but if I had to estimate I would say it worth about 30k wholesale, not retail. I could provide the buyer with all my pictures, my sources for each product, templates, all my inventory of course and equipment.

I could show proof through my paypal withdrawals and my invoices for items purchased that I was making 3-6k per week at about 70% profit. I was making that WITHOUT auctions, just through my ebay store. I didn't have time to list and keep up with auctions because of my college schedule, with the advertising that auctions provide I could have easily doubled that revenue, along with the 1000's of other products my sources provide that I didn't take advantage of because I didn't have the time.

I wouldn't even ask for a profit, just to get even....something like 25K, which would be enough to get the terrible burden of my credit card debt and tuition off of my shoulders.

I guess I already know what the response would be, nobody would ever pay that much for an ebay business but perhaps someone has expierence with this and can give me some insight.

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Old 03-26-2008
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hmm i was think about doing that when i was making about 2k a month but its hard to say. its hard to buy a internet business without a website. but you might need to make sure the business is stable for at lest 3 years before its sellerable. thats what i think and have been told even for physical businesses. or you can just tell the buyer that if your account gets suspended give him instructions of how to make new ones
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Old 03-27-2008
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what does your stock consist of ? just t-shirts? branded or what?
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Old 03-27-2008
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Default .......

Actually the shirts are made to order, so the only stock for the t-shirts would be blank shirts, transfer sheets and ink. Most of my inventory is knives/swords and high demand novelty items and toys.
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Old 03-27-2008
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oh okay i see
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Old 03-28-2008
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I don't think you'll have a lot of issues with a new eBay account. Just don't sell the shirt that got you suspended and you should be okay for the most part. People that get suspended over and over again are usually because of VeRO. Once you figure how what eBay does to link your accounts; IP address, cookies, address, cc, etc. You can get around them without an issue.

I haven't been suspended for over a year now, probably longer now, easy stuff... just don't give up; you're already half way there. Now take action and start selling again.
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