i'm running 2 st ealth's on the side right now with 80 item limit a month ea............i can't list any more than 10 days at a time for each item.
i opened a store for both...cost 16.00 a month, but you save on listing fee's.....50 cents per item without a store vs 20 cents per item with a store.....i have no auctions, just buy it now.
i now list my items as gtc {good till cancelled}...works perfect for me....i don't have to contantly check to see when a item isn't relisted.......its there always.
the problem i have is....when i list an item and say i have 5 available......that 5 available counts towards your item limit.
so i usually say i have 2 of this item available........that lets me list 40 items with 2 available each. if i sell 2 of the same item fast, i have to wait till the next review before it gets relisted again unless you revise a different item to the items that you just sold...it suc ks, but i find myself shuffling them around like this to keep the fast selling items alive.
Of course i'm still figureing out what items sell more than others but it switches all the time on most.
without a store, i was able to drop listings and it was added to my number available to sell..........worked nice but only 10 days again and 50 cent listing with b. i. n.
with a store....if you drop a listing......it dont add to number available to sell....you lose it....done that..did that twice( had to know for sure)...won't do that again tho.
I don't hink it would draw a flag..
I got a cc from dollar store a visa ....25.00.................i put it on file at eb ay and all was just fine.. then i used it to fill my gastank(well, give my car a swallow anyway)
been about 3-4 months now i think...not a problem
i accept paypal...always have from day 1
since e bay wants a cc on file.....i don't think you would have to accept pay pal for service......i'm not 100% sure on that tho so maybe some else will give you that direct answer.
good luck
p.s review in a few days.........crossing my fingers for more more moooooore items