Ebay Thinks You Are A Dolphin Caught In Their Net And Undertands How You Feel - eBay Suspended & PayPal Limited Forums
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Old 07-12-2008
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Default Ebay Thinks You Are A Dolphin Caught In Their Net And Undertands How You Feel

Just came across an interesting post that talks about the major changes going on at Ebay and how a lot of legitimate sellers are going under due to the new policies. About 1/4 way down in the comments a T&S rep from ebay assures the community that Ebay is trying to look at the overall picture and he knows it's painful that good sellers lose their accounts due to 3 neutrals or 1 negative but he wants to let everyone know Ebay understands how you feel and Ebay is working hard to create a system "that makes sense"

Ebay understands how I feel and the 10's of thousands that have been booted off Ebay for minor things, 1 negative or 3 neutrals in a month???

I feel so warm and fuzzy and all gooey inside that Ebay knows how I feel.


It makes so much sense to "kill the Ebay dolphins" while at the same time sucking up to MAJOR ebay sellers.

Case in point.

Shill account of seller rated 127,000 that has been reported every day for the last 3 months. Guess it's normal one buyer purchases 350 items a month from the same seller. You would think any buyer purchasing the same products day after day after day would email the seller and ask for a volume discount.


This week, David Pride, the vice president for eBay Trust & Safety, said that eBay invests millions of dollars, eBay pegs the exact number at $20 million each year (Woo Hoo!! 20 mil, that's 2 days of profits for Ebay taken straight out of the pockets of sellers in higher fees) into combating the problem of counterfeits and will continue to do so going forward. According to the auction giant, in 2007, across all eBay sites around the world, over 2 million potentially counterfeit listings were removed and eBay also suspended over 50,000 sellers who may have been attempting to sell ⊗⊗⊗⊗ goods. (Again I feel so warm and fuzzy and gooey inside because ebay thwarted 50,000 "may have been" sellers. Can we say 10,000-20,000 or so or more "may have been" dolphins in that 50,000???)

What's next?? The DMV sending you a letter saying your drivers license has been suspended because we believe you might have been speeding or you might "potentially" speed in the future according to our profiling system. Or your health insurance has been canceled because you potentially might have cancer in the future according to our profiling system. Great, and I laughed when I read George Orwell in the 8th grade.


Last edited by HairyOldEbayer; 07-12-2008 at 01:15 AM.
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Old 07-12-2008
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you made me laugh !! funny. cheered me up .i dropped my cornflakes nearly. you have to laugh how stupid ebay is

i know quite a few volume seller left in the last month.. that must ring bells somewhere in the bowls of T&S ,

Last edited by GreenBean; 07-12-2008 at 12:43 AM.
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Old 07-12-2008
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thats crazy really. 3 neutrals and one neg.... say your a retailer like M&S . so 1 unhappy customer and two who are reasonably happy could close you down or a slap on the wrist for a month. i never heard such rubbish in all my life. say you had 450 happy customers. ( dont they count ) makes me laugh that ebay are quick to condem for one bad feedback and forget easily the 450 you kept happy....they never give you praise for your efforts for the 450 .... you cant tell me resonably that you will always keep everyone happy. the worlds not like that.. you can please some of the people some of thee time...but not all of the people , all of the time... thats not humanly possible..maybe ebay thinks your superman.

thinking about it. the feedback system on paper looks a great idea..but in the real world it doesent work well. they should scrap it and have a % rating system thats viewable by the buyer. remarks should not show. to many buyers who have nothing to sell or have no real interest in selling or participating in ebay. they leave unwaranted remarks that damage sellers and restrict trade . a percentage rating should be colour coded so a buyer can see at a glance that the seller has a good high score. anything above 70% should be viewed as an average score. below and poor score. ( just ideas)

Last edited by badebay; 07-12-2008 at 01:38 AM.
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Old 07-12-2008
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I think eBay needs to take a little more time thinking about what their new policies will do on the community. At least they're going to get rid of the neutral feedback as a negative soon.
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