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Old 09-27-2008
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Default Hello all, my first post....

Hello from New Jersey! I can say this about me as a little bio:
Started Ebay in 1999
Only was using 1 single account for the last 5 years, have a few stealth accounts in real and ⊗⊗⊗⊗ names.
Gross sales approx. $3 M
status: Suspended, 'MC008 SNPD NOTICE: Restricted Account" and 'Based upon input from the buyers who have transacted
with you, this account falls into the bottom 1 percent of all eBay sellers with regard to buyer satisfaction. "
Feedback and DSR's: 98.2% positive (maybe 13,000+ total now?), 4.7, 4.7, 4.7 and 4.4, last month 49 positive and 3 negatives from 2 idiots that can't read and an unreasonable buyer who bought something for $12 shipped and said it wasn't new (it was new).
What I tried: Calling Ebay and pleading, was told to email trust and safety, and my cat would give a more canned response.
Good news: I have money, a retail store, i do not need Ebay, all my inventory is paid, life is good
Bad news: It was a profit center, 400+ items listed with $300,000 value and now I had to lay this dear woman off that listed on Ebay and I think that burns me up more than anything. Secondly the ads are all made in TL already, so there is an investment involved.

This is my situation, my girlfriend has a strong account with a few hundred feedbacks and all positive, different address and different PayPal account and I trust her and I can use that. I also own a computer company and have different IP addresses, so not an issue other than maybe the TL file and templates we might need to modify. Had I done something wrong, I would accept it like fraud or the like, but this is not the case. When i received the warning letter about my 4.3 DSR for S/H, I got all positives since and my DSR went UP to a 4.4 in a week as I changed my S/H rates, so I see no reason why we got suspended. The equipment that I purchased was specifically for Ebay, and I am one of the very few sellers that was doing good on Ebay, but there is nobody to talk to there and they do not care. I want to get my exit strategy and I have a nice website and such, but want to unload this stuff. I have 3+ weeks left before they even look at my account-CRAZY. I’ll shut up and listen and hello.

Gary from New Jersey
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Old 09-27-2008
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Hello Hiram, sorry for your eBay troubles...

You seem to understand the basics of computers and how eBay works. If you're going to use your girlfriend's account, make sure to change ip addresses, delete your cookies and flash objects. I don't recommend using TurboLister but if you know what you're doing you can get around eBay using it to link you to a previous account.

I would recommend reading eBay Stealth, it shows you what eBay does to link your accounts, and how to create a new eBay and Paypal account if necessary. What I really recommend is reading how eBay links your accounts, since you have a secondary account ready to go but you're not 100% sure how to protect it.

Good luck to you,
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Old 09-27-2008
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Thank you for the message. Since I already have a valid ID and PayPal account to another address, and can use a seperate IP address with no cookies, I am good there. The data is all in TL and doing 400+ ads again a different way would be tedious as opposed to just grabbing the data file and putting it into a fresh computer and uploading it all. I am REALLY shocked at why I am suspended with my ratings-clearly I am not at the bottom of 1% with my feedback. I am migrating off of Ebay but will blow this stuff out first, so I think my only question would be the TLB and IBM file, so we just drag and drop into my other back up and or import and upload (of course with no cookies, different IP, account, et cetera)? I am SO DONE with FEEbay, it makes me puke, but this is high tech equipment we are listing and the ads take way too much time to do. thanks in advance and whoever owns this, maybe put a donation link on it so people that benefit can donate. Thanks, Gary
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