is it illegal to copy free information on the internet and list it on ebay? - eBay Suspended & PayPal Limited Forums
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Old 07-29-2007
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Default is it illegal to copy free information on the internet and list it on ebay?

i know this sounds stupid but, is it?
btw, the information is not copyrighted or anything
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Old 07-29-2007
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I had lisings removed for selling info obtained free on the web.

Some idiot bidder might ask you things like " are you the copyright owner of this info?", or "do you own the website it's posted on?".

Then you get hit with a copyright violation and your listing cancelled.

Be sure to make a note of that bidder's member ID

As mentioned by others elswhere, it's virtually impossible to list low-priced information products or other intangibles without attracting BS from Trust & Safety.
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Old 07-29-2007
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you mentioned that sometimes people ask you if you are the copyright owner...

what if you just say, there is no copyright owner...
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Old 07-29-2007
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I'm pretty sure if you didn't write it, and you try to sell it for profit it's against some sort of copyright law. Unless you have permission from the author, it's copyright; and someone can/will complain to take your listings down.
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Old 07-30-2007
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Copyrights have expiration dates so to speak. When a copyright has expired they become what is known as "public domain". This is also why Disney fought hard about this in regards to Mickey Mouse. Once it reaches the "public domain" you may use it even if you can make money off of it without paying royalties.

For Example:
Works first published before January 1, 1923 with proper copyright notice entered the public domain no later than 75 years from the date copyright was first secured. Hence, all works whose copyrights were secured before 1923 are now in the public domain, regardless of where they were published.

Works published and copyrighted 1923-1977 retain copyright for 95 years. No such works will enter the public domain until 2019 unless one of the other rules applies.

Works first created on or after January 1, 1978 enter the public domain 70 years after the death of the author if the author is a natural person. (Nothing will enter the public domain under this rule until at least January 1, 2049.)

Works first created on or after January 1, 1978 which are created by a corporate author enter the public domain 95 years after publication or 120 years after creation whichever occurs first. (Nothing will enter the public domain under this rule until at least January 1, 2074.)

When an item is copywritten, the copyright must be renewed before its 27 or 28th year for an extension. (Once again back to Disney as they had to go to court over the mouse).

So In reality, You could use "public domain" works to sell without having to pay royalties, but you can not for example say sell "Crime and Punishment" and slap your name on it as the author. But you could offer it on Ebay for a fee as say an ebook for download. If the person wants to pay you for that instead of using their head and downloading it free online then oh well.

If you want to read more on copyrights or get some great books to read go here: Project Gutenberg. In case you did not know Gutenberg was the man who is credited for inventing moveable type printing (printing press) and also known for the Gutenberg Bible.
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Old 07-30-2007
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Nice stuff FeeBay Balling.
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Old 07-30-2007
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what if you just say, there is no copyright owner... "

No such thing.
Technically, if you write something, you have an implicit copyright privilege on that text, even if you do not explicitly file for protection under copyright laws.

So everything is copyright of its author even if they don't say it.

The only way you can sell an info, is if either you WROTE the text, or you CLAIM to have WRITTEN the text (you outright steal it, call it your own, and leave it up to its author to challenge you in court), or you have express permission from the author to distribute it.

Again, selling (or even buying too many) e-Books, is a magnet for the suspension task force.

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