If you want to keep an account and the information is the same...
I suspect that one of my accounts is about to bite the dust based on some emails I've gotten and just a "feeling". If you do have another account with virtually the same information on file, is there any way to revise that information just before your other account bites it, so you don't lose BOTH accounts, or will that just call more attention to the other account? There's no credit card on file for selling on the other account but there "might" be from just registering. I'm thinking maybe if I just change an address or something it might work? After all, you can have two people with the same name...I'm not selling on the other account presently--use it more for posting and buying, but there may come a time and I would like to keep it around. At this exact moment the other account hasn't been suspended but I'm thinking it's only a matter of time. :o
What would you change if you were going to try this?