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Old 06-01-2007
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Default Back from China, got suspended 2 times this wk

I got back from China, and tested out the 1) account in China 2) using Auctiva in China 3) using US account on China IP and basically:

1) I made an account on China Ebay and I can do it very easily (with no ID)
2) I used Auctiva to list my items when I was in China and my accounts were fine
3) I had to go into my account to pay my fees and etc and I basically went to different internet cafes (therefore different IPS) and nothing happened to my account (no third party access crap)

Anyways so during China I was listing on 3 ID's, say XYZ (b/c I only wanted to list 15 on each) and when I got back I got a few impatient buyers on my Z id and they ended up leaving feedback. I didn't have much to begin with and now it's 81% so I gave up that account (made money on it anyways) and didn't pay my $500 fee.

Then this week I was suspended for 7 days on my X account for listing too much of one item repeatedly. THEN TODAY I was suspended on my Y account.
For both accounts I have about $500-$600 in fees and it gives me great pleasure in knowing that I paid $20 and I am stiffing Ebay in $500 for each account

I got reaaaaal ticked off when I found out I was suspended on Y account though because I had 30 auctions and 10 of them were ending today. I hate it how Ebay suspends you at the last minute.... ya know?

But I was prepared and I had 2 other accounts with 15 items on each. I really hope they won't be suspended b/c I just placed a very large order with my supplier and I don't want $XXXX.00 amount of inventory being stuck....

So today I just bought two more Simon cards... will list everything back up tomorrow. I think I listed too much on Y account (30) when it was brand new (like.... 1.5 months). Next time I will be careful and ... my plan is to have 5 accounts, each one ending on one day of the week, and have 15 auctions.

Wish me luck!
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Old 06-04-2007
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Good luck! Listing from China onto US eBay is hard! I know my guys used to complain about eBay alot because of the IP difference. Proxies didn't help either.
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