Can anyone tell me whats going on.....!?!? - eBay Suspended & PayPal Limited Forums
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eBay Suspensions General issues related to eBay Suspensions. Mostly geared towards

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Old 09-08-2007
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Unhappy Can anyone tell me whats going on.....!?!?

Ok, I got one of my ID suspended while ago, but the other ID of mine was alive so I started listing on this ID,

it gets very confusing ... after I had 1 transaction with this ID, First Paypal had limited my account, saying observed unusual transaction and then eBay has found out that this ID is related to my supended ID, so I got suspended. ok tI understand why eBay suspend this iD, and I also understand Paypal limits account when they see some unusual transaction, (this item was sold $450 ) Now, for PayPal, I provided a reciept of product(I sold 1 camera) and my proof of address , so in 3 days they restored my account.
But then! they have reversed the money to the buyer... I provided tracking number and so on but they reversed it. now customer have item and my money.

Does this have anything to do with my ID getting suspended?
I contacted buyer and he said "very sorry he recently had a problem in paypal" he said he is gonna send me money again by his friend's paypal account... this is my first confusion, is it him or me that triggered this??

and then, he did. he sent money again to me..
and the money was automatically reversed to him again....

I got more confused,

to explain about the item,
I sent the item to the address that he told me to sent,
(he said its a gift to his friend)
I did not send to confirmed address I guess, so I thought I got scammed,
but then... again my confusuion is
why is he keep answering my email and trying to send me money...?

I told him to send gain, this is the 3RD time,
he used another friend's paypal account,
(different account from first and second time he send me)
and ALSO I used my friend's account to recieve..
which means, sender and reciever is totally different person
and no link to ebay , no message to identify anything,

and again,
it was AUTOMATICALY reversed to his friend's account....

I am getting more confused and confused every time.....

why is it keep reversing,
and why it can be reversed when using totaly different account??

does anyone know whats going on...
am I just getting scammed by this buyer,
(then why he keeps sending me money... )
he can take the money and walk away.....
he already won, if he is a scammer..

I dont understand.
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Old 09-08-2007
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dont fool with PP anymore. Id ask them to mail a MO and then be sure to get signature conf when u mail to avoid future problems. and get all your $$$ outta PP while u still can!
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Old 09-08-2007
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Talking EVERYONE - How to protect your bank account

Hello, If you have PayPal linked to your bank account, and you want to stop PayPal from removing any more money, you can file a form. Go to your bank (easiest because they have notaries/witnesses present typically) and fill out the form that denies particular merchants from withdrawing any more money. (I had to do this with a crazy credit card fiasco.) The merchants HATE this because it looks bad on THEIR record. Once this is complete, PayPal should no longer be able to withdraw any more money, and you will have given them a nice little sting in return. :D Only do this if you are done dealing with PayPal, however.
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Old 09-08-2007
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i dont think PP can debit your acct anyway unless you use it to pay. they get around that by stopping deposits befor the are complete.
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