Email Web Bugs - Whats The Best Solution
After reviewing this forum and looking into the ways that ebay track and trace you I have looked for option to limit this.
Webbugs via images seem to be a way that they track you and confirm that a email address is still in use and the IP address.
possible solutions that i have read are as below has anyone done this or have any suggestions.
1) to go offfline when you read the email so that no information can be sent back ( is this reliable)
2) change the settings of the email account so that you have all email in a plain text format.
3) which is 100 % secure is not to read and delete any messages associated with a suspended account.
I have 3 paypal accounts and I checked within the profile and non are linked to any ebay auction account, if I recived a payment through to one of these accounts and go into the email and copy paste the address from the you recived funds email, is this likely to link me via a web-bug?