Payouts on hold
Two accounts got this: Your payouts have been temporarily placed on hold while we review some details. Please allow up to 5 days for this review to take place.
You'll be notified if we need further information. If there are no further concerns, your payouts will be unblocked.
This temporary block will not impact your regular operations (listings/selling).
Please don't reply to this message. It was sent from an address that doesn't accept incoming email.
Interesting thing is that it was 10 days ago. No other emails about lifted hold. No banner about any problems. It asks from me nothing. Nothing. Just this message in inbox.
First account have done one sale and finds are on hold and should be released in 3 weeks.
Second account has active auction but not ended yet and no bids on item, also no money on hold - account is empty
And i do not know - should i list more or completely stop on these accounts, because if there are holds then why list? Or it takes much longer than 5 days and i should get email later? Or if 5 days passed and nothing then it is fine by default? What shpuld i do with active listing? Should i cancel it?