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Old 04-10-2010
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Default Multiple suspensions on same computer

I'm an idiot, so bear with me. I've lost 3 accounts recently, all from home laptop. I will be buying a new account, so I need to change my internet service provider, correct?

The only cookies I know, are the ones I eat. So all the talk about flash cookies and all that, just goes over my head. Everyone has been so friendly so far, and I thank you all.
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Old 04-10-2010
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no, provider can stay the same, you need to check you can change the ip, preferbly to muliple ones as you need to get away from banned ip.

you can use a cookie cleaner to get rid of cookies and you can get rid of LSO with betterprivacy add-on on firefox, but I suggest you get new windows user per account and that way you dont need to clean anything, you retain all your cookies on that screen per account

you need to read up more, you are in no way ready to be let loose on newly made accounts!!!
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Old 04-10-2010
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Don't buy any accounts yet! You must read more. If you don't have the Stealth Book then you should get it ASAP! They are links on the book that would lead you to the way to delete your cookies, They are 2 types.

If you don't want to worry about your cookies then just make new user accounts for your computer.

PM me and I can tell you how to make windows new user accounts.

Last edited by Stream; 04-10-2010 at 08:41 PM.
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Old 04-11-2010
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I know everyone keeps pushing the stealth guide, but I can't afford it. All my accounts are blocked/unuseable, and I barely have the money to buy a new account.

Plus I'll have to open a new bank account for my new Paypal, for withdrawals.

I used CCleaner already, and I'm trying (unsuccessfully) to change my IP address. I know very little about the computer, and I'm having a hard time with all this. Seriously backed up on my bills and need to get this going.
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Old 04-11-2010
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I would also recommend not to buy an account. Most likely, it'll be linked to your suspended accounts right away or get limited.

Buying the book is a better solution for you unless you want to invest the time and start reading the forum.

Few things:

a.) getting a dial-up service is the cheapest and most secure solution for dealing with ip configuration issues. I use wireless for main account and dial-up for others.

b.)Getting cheap prepaid phones is also the best full proof approach to verify your account.

c.)Getting a real credit/debit card with a physical bank account is the surest way to activate a fresh account.

Set up separate user account for each account. Set up separate dial-up account for each user account with unique dial-up phone numbers. I never reuse these numbers for other accounts.

I also use the firefox browser with ONLY the following bookmarks:

1. ebay
2. mail account
3. PayPal
4. Image hosting service
5. adobe help flash manager

Document Folder: for images, files etc for each specific user account and ebay account.

Never open these when logged in as another user.

For each account, obtain unique phone number, bank account number and debt/credit card and associate them with corresponding PayPal and ebay account.

Read the book about establishing your new identity and your new address.

Never reuse anything from compromised account.
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Old 04-11-2010
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Thank you so much for all that, riversnew!!!
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