somewhere on the forum I read that IP address without cookies means nothing to ebay. does that mean if I delete cookies before logging on to ebay then I dont have to worry about what my ip address is?
another question. I use alltel / windstream as my isp. if I unplug my dsl modem then I get a different ip. I have only tested this a few times. here are the results.
I was using ebay for years before I finally got suspended so I have no idea what ip addresses I may have used during that time. What advice can you guys give me? I dont know a lot about IP addresses so what can I do to avoid getting suspended because of useing the wrong IP address?
The complete step-by-step guide to get back to selling today!
They are not picking you out of a crowd. They are flagging new accounts, examining your title descriptions, cookies, looking at your ip range and sign up info, telephone, etc. Even though you have 4 or 5 very different ip address, I would guess that there are only 4-5 different first 2 prefixs used by your ip. Example,
It you get another new ip address it will most likely start with one of those prefixs. 75.90 or 216.96 etc.
And just for saftey please don't list your real ips in here, you never know who is watching.
maybe I will try the free aol then and stay away from the dsl. I thought with a different IP evry time I reboot the modem it would be ok to post em here. mabye a moderator could delete that message if you think it might be dangerous.
thanks for all the good advice
so are you guys saying that just clearing the IP off the wireless router is not enough any more and we need to go get a dial up service?
how reliable is this info? I mean I tried turning on and off my router and every time I get a different IP address, wouldnt that be sufficient to be safe if everything else is ok?
Yes, for those of us not tech saavy- I also have 6 routers, and now 3 verizon dsl modems, so- example:
a.) router #1--plus dsl modem#2 = xxxxx i.p.
then, b.) router #1- with dsl modem #3- = xxxxx i.p.
and so forth-- i have countless combinations...
the modems are $44 from verizon, the routers are the wrt54g, $49 at walmart...
uhm 6 routers?? Is that in a warehouse? Because 6 routers is not needed. All you need is 2 at the most.. A small college campus will not even use 6 routers
does that mean you use 5 different accounts? all the time with the same IP number? because I think eBay checks for consistency too. you shouldnt be switching your IP address all the time? How can you manage so many accounts? all different names, addresses, phone numbers? credit cards? wow! man you must be making millions there!
NO, not millions but have a file box- keep accts all on index cards, got sorter tabs- i.e. use now, over 30, over 60, over 90, older, suspended- and reason on back of card, then section for paypal accts, section for my banking info- check acct#'s, debit/credit card #'s, then the prepad cards in the back...ONLY way to keep straight....
Do you actually use all ⊗⊗⊗⊗ info on all of them?
Where do you get all the phone numbers and bank accounts? It looks like you are a real do you do all that?
May be you can also write a guide?..
Keceli---NO,no professiona--- know where i learned it??
RIGHT HERE on aspkins forum.. he saved my business. by having this forum..
I have learned so much in 3 months...
HOnestly-- i have had -0- accts suspended beacuse of LINKS to prev accts--
my probs
are mostly a wiseguy knwing my items--playing games, etc.
i NEED a guide on how to deal with that, Aspkin.. LOL
(got a real humm dinger)-- keeps me on my toes.. BUt i fooled him-- (again with tips/advice here--- I took my items he knows--sent them to 6 diff Sellers Assts/power sellers with over 3-5,000 fb, now he had to chase all 6 of them, plus me on 7 accts--- he cant catch me in time to ruin the Holiday sales!!!
Thanks Aspkin for this Forum.. )
One router per external IP address is only needed. To quickly grab a new external IP, replace the last hex value for MAC address then perform a power reset on router. Using dialup is used to handle multiple accounts. I use cable for one account and dialup for the rest. So far, I have not had any paypal problems with same IP...Replacing Routers are Target is crazy. But what ever works...
One router per external IP address is only needed. To quickly grab a new external IP, replace the last hex value for MAC address then perform a power reset on router. Using dialup is used to handle multiple accounts. I use cable for one account and dialup for the rest. So far, I have not had any paypal problems with same IP...Replacing Routers are Target is crazy. But what ever works...
Using SMAC 2.0 to spoof your mac address gets you a new ip every time, for modems/routers that do not have an interface to release.