Here is the slanderous email that your buyers receive when you are EBAY suspended - eBay Suspended & PayPal Limited Forums
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eBay Suspensions General issues related to eBay Suspensions. Mostly geared towards

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Old 12-21-2007
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Default Here is the slanderous email that your buyers receive when you are EBAY suspended

As we all know, eBay sends a slanderous email to the buyer if you are suspended or auctions cancelled. Just look at how hard they try to get the buyer to do a chargeback etc. Its ridiculous and illegal.

eBay sent this message to JXXX SXXX (yXXXXit).
Your registered name is included to show this message originated from eBay.
Learn more: Your Name and User ID in Emails

Important Message from eBay Loss Prevention Department
Dear yXXXXt (,

The following is a notice from eBay Trust & Safety regarding:

Item Number - 32XXXXXXX02

Item Title - Panasonic XXXXXXXXX

Our records show that you were a bidder or buyer of one or more of this seller's items. We recently removed this seller's active listings and suspended the seller's trading privileges. Due to privacy concerns we cannot share further details about this seller.

If the seller asks you to complete this transaction outside of eBay, we strongly recommend that you do not proceed with the transaction. Transactions for items listed on eBay but then completed off of the eBay platform are not covered by buyer protection programs offered by eBay and can be highly indicative of fraud. For more information on Offers to Buy or Sell Outside of eBay, copy and past the following Help Page link into your browser: Offers to Buy or Sell Outside of eBay.

If you have already paid for this item but have not received it, you should take all possible steps to receive reimbursement.

1. If an amicable resolution cannot be reached, the buyer can close their Item Not Received dispute and escalate it to a claim. If the transaction was paid for using PayPal and qualifies for PayPal Buyer Protection the claim will be routed to PayPal for review typically within 30 days. (eBay Security Center: FAQ - Item Not Received Process)
2. Stop payment with your bank if you paid by check.
3. Contact the Security Department of your credit card company to file a chargeback if you paid via credit card.
4. If you paid via Western Union or MoneyGram, contact the company directly (Western Union 800-325-6000 or MoneyGram 800-926-9400). eBay does not protect payments made via Western Union or MoneyGram per our Acceptable Payments Policy (eBay - Page Not Found.
5. If you paid with PayPal, eligible transactions will receive coverage up to $200 at no additional cost. However, the majority of transactions may be covered up to $2,000. To file a claim with PayPal, login to your PayPal account and copy and paste the following link into your web browser: Purchase Protection Programs - PayPal. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the File a Claim link. PayPal claims must be filed within 45 days of the close of the listing. It may take at least 30 days to complete the investigation and resolve the dispute.

Please do not respond to this email, as your reply will not be received.


eBay Trust & Safety
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Old 12-21-2007
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That is why you always need a paypal "insurance" account. It is basically a legit paypal account you create to protect your ⊗⊗⊗⊗ or high risk paypal. You simply pay yourself from the legit account to the ⊗⊗⊗⊗ account. If they limit the ⊗⊗⊗⊗ account, you refund back to the legit "insurance" account. Or if they totally lock down the ⊗⊗⊗⊗ one, file a compliant from the legit to get your money back.
Example: Say you sell an average $200 a week in your high risk account. On the first of the month (or what ever start day you pick) You send $400 from you legit account.
You are paying yourself so you get it out later that day, by check or ATM debit or bank account, whatever you use top normally get the money out of the high risk account. Now you should be emptying it out every other day, but say you have a very good day and sell $400 the next day and paypal limits the account. Well for one, you do not ship out any of the new orders, and you simply start refunding to everyone else starting with your $400 insurance payment from your legit account and then everyone else starting with the last item shipped. It they totally lock down the ⊗⊗⊗⊗ paypal, simply file a complaint form the legit account.
The new people that did not get a refund, will do chargebacks and the account will go negative.
Also, if by some chance you have more in there then "insurance payment", refund to the last person you shipped to first, working backwards. Chances are they have not received the product yet so they will be responsive. Email them and tell them someone hacked your paypal account, so paypal has refunded the payment and they should now pay you again at the new account paypal set up for you if they still want the item.
In my experience about half will, so you basically get paid twice. Once by them and once by paypal.
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Old 12-21-2007
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YES- they send to ALL of your Buyers--then the Paypal INquiries start.,..
Here's what I do:
_--AS SOON as you are suspended- go to your email box-- get the emails ebay sent-- saying "SOLD"-- then forward to those Buyers a Generic Note-
Dear Buyer: I am sorry- we just had our Ebay acct HI-Jacked by someone Out of the Country- they listed like 30 laptops in the last couple hours... Ebay Trust + Safety is working to restore our acct asap- IN the Meantime- all orders that have been paid for have been shipped- the tracking numbers have been emailed from paypal..
Keeping my fingers crossed-- they'llhave us back up soon.. so we can exchange POsitiveFeedback.
Best Regards
Seller (your name)...
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Old 12-21-2007
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isnt this an easy way to scam paypal? you send like a thousand bucks from a few of your paypal accounts into one totally ⊗⊗⊗⊗ one, withdraw the money, then file chargebacks, so now you made that money...
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Old 12-21-2007
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You can't file chargebacks forever or your credit card companies might jack you up.

Most buyers I see who scam will do a lot of shopping in one month and then claim their card was stolen one and a half months later. I saw a person with over 1000 feedback from buying do that and they had it all shipped to the card's home address, too, but the items were under $250 so they didn't have to sign and so the credit card companies won't do a thing if they buyer didn't sign for them.

Last edited by Jonas; 05-27-2008 at 10:37 PM.
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Old 12-22-2007
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no way, the credit card companies would at least check the address it was sent to..shouldnt they? even with no signature..
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Old 12-22-2007
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^^ Exactly....
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