Wondering anyone has registered a LLC in person's name such as John Doe LLC and use that and it's EIN to get an ebay seller and paypal account? I know for a fact that you can easily get a business checking account(may pay a monthly maintenance fee but you need to shop around).
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You dont need an LLC to get an EIN. If you choose to get an LLC most states require some type of registration and/or fee. You also can have it say anything before the LLC as long as it has not been taken in your state.
Can we discuss this for a moment? I am in the middle of establishing an LLC mainly for EIN purposes. Is there a simpler way? Id love to hear thoughts on this.
Can we discuss this for a moment? I am in the middle of establishing an LLC mainly for EIN purposes. Is there a simpler way? Id love to hear thoughts on this.
The simpler way would be through legalzoom. More expensive though.