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eBay Suspensions General issues related to eBay Suspensions. Mostly geared towards eBay.com.

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Old 05-25-2007
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Default I am new to this Fabulous website! Please read about my situation

I am new to this website and I have 2 very important questions..

Well it all started out when I got suspended shil bidding on my moms auction. At the time I was selling some lacoste shirts, and receiving incredible feedback. Later on eBay caught on when I shil bidded on one of my moms auction and suspended every account. So for 14 days we were stuck listing fixed format running the bill up to $150.00. After the 14 days were up paid the eBay bill in full and guess what? Suspended again! Shil bidding warning, when I honestly didn't shil bid!! After messages, and e-mails screaming, and trying to get through to eBay I receive a letter saying "We apologize due to a system error" etc, Awsome that eBay can just make mistakes like that also not to mention I lost my power seller status over the second suspension.

So now I ordered a few simons accounts, this is my question ;

- I have Comcast cable, with 2 computers all on the same router, I use my Macbook Pro which has a airport card but im guessing still has the same IP as the other 2 computers so any suggestions? I have a local library with over 30 computers down the street, should I just use the library for my sales? Is there a way to get a new IP address without the other 2 computers in my house not affecting my new eBay account? My eBay is back and running but after I lost my power seller status im kind of over it. Also 2 of my other accounts in the same house have been suspended for good! I faxed eBay my information/bank statements, they said they will review in 72 hours. Which its been a week and no response so im pretty much over eBay. I wanna just use a ⊗⊗⊗⊗ identity and sell without the hassle or risks.

- Second question is I sold some burberry shirts 5-6 of the shirts sold have received amazing feedback. I have shipping statements/supplier receipt, and this one buyer put in a dispute through paypal. I told this idiot buyer over 20 times send the shirt back and get a refund. Also I have proof of delivery/confirmation tracking number. He/She says I am gonna send it to Burberry and let them deal with it. After 3 days of this persons shadeyness, and ignorance I took it upon myselt to call paypal, spoke to a Sarah, and she told me to put in a escalate giving the buyer 10 days to send the shirts back to me for a refund or the claim gets canceled. Should I have to worry about this at all? Because he says there ⊗⊗⊗⊗, but I purchased them in California in bulk, and this was actually my first time ever selling clothes. But I received all great feedback! I mostly sell apple products.
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Old 05-25-2007
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Well for your second question the buyer is just a shady scammer trying to get something for free thats all. I wouldnt be worried about him too much. Why did do a dispute with paypal????
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Old 05-25-2007
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Ehh, but are those shirts ⊗⊗⊗⊗? It seems like LOOP doesn't know if they are real or not. Maybe he/she does, but restrains to tell us, which mean those are ⊗⊗⊗⊗. Buying in CA in bulk doesn't sound too "authentic" to me.
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Old 05-25-2007
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Originally Posted by ifreewillie View Post
Ehh, but are those shirts ⊗⊗⊗⊗? It seems like LOOP doesn't know if they are real or not. Maybe he/she does, but restrains to tell us, which mean those are ⊗⊗⊗⊗. Buying in CA in bulk doesn't sound too "authentic" to me.
to tell you the truth im not 100% sure if there real or ⊗⊗⊗⊗. But I have received 5+ feedbacks out of the 6 lots I sold. The one person threatening me and saying he sent them to burberry is a bit extreme. I told him/her if there is a problem ill refund the money back I told them my situation this is my first time ever selling this sort of product. Anyways I put the paypal escalation thing so paypal said they have to send it back to me either way they cannot do what they wanna do, they have to go by the rules.
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Old 05-25-2007
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yea but 65% of the people on eBay who sell Lacoste and say will ship in 7-14 days. How come there not getting in trouble? There probably ordering shirts from Japan or China and taking profits before they even have the product. I think that is a lot more for people to worry about. I mean there shouldnt be people on eBay advertising a product saying pay within 24 hours item will be shipped within 1-2 weeks. What is that?
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Old 05-25-2007
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ebay of course waits for you to pay then suspends

Last edited by Jonas; 05-27-2008 at 07:16 PM.
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Old 05-25-2007
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Originally Posted by Jonas View Post
ebay of course waits for you to pay then suspends
yes i agree. Ebay caught on now...
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Old 05-25-2007
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eBay is very slow to suspend for non-payment, too.

Last edited by Jonas; 05-27-2008 at 07:18 PM.
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