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Old 06-19-2007
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Default Need some help! PA PA PLEEEEASE

- I have Comcast cable, with 2 computers all on the same router, I use my Macbook Pro which has a airport card but im guessing still has the same IP as the other 2 computers so any suggestions? should I just use the library for my sales? Is there a way to get a new IP address without the other 2 computers in my house not affecting my new eBay account? I really just wanna have a new IP for my MAC. I have one router, and one modem all together 3-4 computers including my laptop run off the same router/modem so any suggestions on what I should do? I talked to comcast they mentioned a hub and i could rent a seperate IP but I figured I can ask you guys might know a bit more on this!
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Old 06-19-2007
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Oh how I miss Comcast Cable/Broadband! I moved to the country and only options were phone or satelite. Went w/sat but it doesnt even compare to the speed of broadband! And it's almost 100.00 month!
But as for your questions.First you should know your ip address. to do that try this: click start
click run*type cmd in the text box then click ok*in the dos screen type ipconfig then click enter* your ip address should show.The problem is that it might not be the actual ip address that Ebay sees if you have a router or hub like it sounds like you do,so
go to this site to find out.
Then turn everything off and unplug the cable, wait a few seconds and reconnect and turn on then go check your address again.
Renting a secomd ip address will probably not change the basic ip address which is what Ebay can see.
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Old 06-19-2007
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I believe Comcast is the one ISP that gives out static IPs instead of dynamic. Meaning you can't change your IP address using Comcast unless you bought a new one. You may want to check with Comcast about this.
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Old 06-19-2007
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thanx aspkin I gotta question for you, say I do change the whole entire IP address. All the computers will most likely read off that IP? Or within the same area of the same IP address. Or another optin I could get a hub comcast said and rent out up to 5 different IPS for $10 extra a month kind of a rip off but what you think I should do. I just wanna do my ebay at my house and not have to go out of my way to sell things. thanx again guys!
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Old 06-19-2007
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If I were you, I would scrap Comcast and find another internet service provider. If you make a mistake with eBay, you'll need to change your IP address again, and again. It sometimes takes people many tries until they get there account established again.

As for your router, yes it shares the same IP with all the computers in the house. A hub is totally different. You don't want a hub.

It's tricky. The best thing to do is to find a better ISP with dynamic IPs. Or just keep paying for a new IP address from Comcast. Up to you.
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Old 06-19-2007
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Well, the cheapest and easiest way, I know you might not want to go this route, but if your desperate, use dial up. You know there are many free ISPs that you can try just to see if you like it, or just to set up your ebay account. Mabey slow but solves IP issues.
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Old 06-20-2007
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I ended up buying a new Airport Extreme unit to use with my Mac. It seemed the only way to change my IP address with my existing (UK) cable provider.
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Old 06-20-2007
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yea but if I buy a new airport extreme for my mac that wouldnt change anything since all the computers/laptop is signal off the router. So im pretty much guessing id have to change my main IP address with comcast? Another thing Aspkin, say I do change the main IP all the computers in the household will run off the new IP. Now heres my main question my account is suspended pretty much forever. But me and my mom split an ebay account also my dad has a seperate account. Its funny because they all work fine but when I tried making a new one with the same IP, and my same bank information they cancled everything again. So what i wanted to do was do the order like 3 accounts, and create 2 seller accounts with a different IP. I just dont wanna register on eBay a week later every account in my house gets suspended. I hope you understand most of what I said because if changing my IP through comcast is the way to go I will do it tomorrow.
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Old 06-20-2007
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also my reason for being suspended was Shil bidding, which we been suspended for 14 days then after that they suspended our accounts again there fault due to a system error. They said they were sorry well sorry dont cut it when 2 powerseller status were removed from a idiot ebay mistake. After my mom/dads account were fixd mine wasn't. Because me the idiot I re registerred another account on the 13th day I totally forgot and just wasnt thinking. So they got me for abusing ebay
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Old 06-20-2007
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Sorry if this is useless advice/or if this doesn't apply to you, but I found that my cable company gave me a different IP address when I plugged a different airport hub into the cable company's modem (when no amount of other fiddling had achieved this). Is a cable modem the same thing as a router?
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