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Old 06-24-2007
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Default How did ebay make the connection?

I created an account using new IP, new email and new identity.

Wasnt asked for credit card.

Waited a day then made one listing. Gave me a seller account by linking payment with paypal - my old paypal account but with new email address which i made the only email on the paypal account.

several hours later i was suspended.
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Old 06-24-2007
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Default so....

it wasn;t my new ip address - which is pr - same as the address as my fictional person

the only ties are:

1) my paypal account - i used my new email but my old email was associated with it
2) tracking which pc the account came from.

i have time sensitive tickets to sell and am afraid to ask anyone else to list them for fear they may get shut down

what are my options (already listed on craigslist, stubhub and other buy/sell ticket places)? since i listed with my real name on stubhub - are they cross referencing?

is it safe to have a friend in the states list the tickets?
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Old 06-24-2007
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Linking to your Paypal account caused the suspension. Even if you used a new email address with the Paypal account, it's the account it self. You have to use either a new Paypal account or an account that's never been linked before.
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Old 06-26-2007
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That's interesting if you can create seller accounts without a CC# and use paypal instead then I wonder if you can create a paypal account with a bunch of email addresses and then use those email addresses to sign up for multiple ebay accounts. There is a possiblity those other accounts won't get suspended even if one goes down especially if afterwards you delete them off your paypal acct.
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Old 07-11-2007
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Default but according to Aspkins guide

according to Aspkins guide

5. Add that new email to your Paypal account -
- The reason to add your newly created email address to your Paypal account is because you can't use the same email address eBay has suspended to send or accept funds from eBay. It has been logged as a suspended user's email address, and trying to accept funds to your suspended email address from eBay will cause your new eBay account to be suspended.

In other words you'll need to add your new email address you created to your Paypal account to use with your eBay account. Go to your Paypal account >> Profile >> Email and select to add a new email address. Once this is done, Paypal will send you’re a verification email so that you can verify you email address. Once verified the only thing you have to do on eBay's end is to add your paypal email address to your auctions and you're good to go. Do not select to link your eBay and Paypal accounts via 'eBay Seller Account'; this will cause your account to be suspended. It's fairly easy, don't over complicate it and you'll be okay.

but I thought we did not have to worry about paypal being linked to ebay- according to the guide if you just add a new email address for paypal you are good to go.

Please clarify
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Old 07-11-2007
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It's true; you're good to go basically. You simply have to add the email address with your eBay auctions and your payments will be sent to you. The only thing is eBay gives you certain advantages when linking accounts. I forget which, but for some people it's a must to link accounts. For me it wasn't.

Originally Posted by billbradsky View Post
according to Aspkins guide

5. Add that new email to your Paypal account -
- The reason to add your newly created email address to your Paypal account is because you can't use the same email address eBay has suspended to send or accept funds from eBay. It has been logged as a suspended user's email address, and trying to accept funds to your suspended email address from eBay will cause your new eBay account to be suspended.

In other words you'll need to add your new email address you created to your Paypal account to use with your eBay account. Go to your Paypal account >> Profile >> Email and select to add a new email address. Once this is done, Paypal will send you’re a verification email so that you can verify you email address. Once verified the only thing you have to do on eBay's end is to add your paypal email address to your auctions and you're good to go. Do not select to link your eBay and Paypal accounts via 'eBay Seller Account'; this will cause your account to be suspended. It's fairly easy, don't over complicate it and you'll be okay.

but I thought we did not have to worry about paypal being linked to ebay- according to the guide if you just add a new email address for paypal you are good to go.

Please clarify
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Old 07-11-2007
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Linking them just makes it easier for the Ebay checkout as that button is used so buyers pay by paypal. Brain washing don't buy it. Just click the box that says you have a merchant account and accept credit cards. You can still offer paypal but this way the buyer is not slammed down their throat with that is the first option. This also allows you to have the buyer send payment to the account you want to use.

You can notice the difference in the "my ebay" - when a buyer wins your auction and pays with paypal. In your my ebay you will see under items sold the dollar sign will be blue and if you hover over it it says that the buyer paid with paypal. If you do not check the box for paypal and say you use a merchanct account, IF the buyer pays with paypal anyway the dollar sign does not change as Ebay does not know.
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