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eBay Suspensions General issues related to eBay Suspensions. Mostly geared towards

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Old 06-30-2007
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Default Paypal, Ebay, and "Linked" Accounts

I'm not sure where the thread went that addressed this. I can't find it anymore. Might have been jerked when the imposter threads were edited. Anyway, I still have these questions that were never fully answered...I'm I'm looking for a definitive answer. Anyone who knows or think you know, please chime in.

1) In linking accounts, does Ebay tend to look more at the address than name? What about Paypal? Does it really matter if the names don't match? Do the addresses need to match? Which is more important, or is it both? If the address isn't yours, would that not be a problem (from ebay or paypal)?

I wanted to create a new paypal account with the express intention of linking the account to an ebay account. I have reasons for this. But I'm concerned that having a made up name on my paypal account will cause problems later if the account is ever limited. Also, I understand that using a VCC on a newly created paypal account won't work, as they'll ask for a security number on the back?

2) Is this true, that you cannot reliably use a VCC to open a new paypal account? If not, is there another way around it? Please explain.

Again the intention is to create a new paypal account and link it to an ebay user name. Can you actually do this (and get away with it) if you have a real name on the paypal account, and a different name on the ebay account on a linked account?

Please Help! I have major plans here and they're all on hold right now until I get this straight. Thanks!
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Old 06-30-2007
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1) The name doesn't matter so much, it's mostly the address.

2) I don't see why you can't use a VCC to open an account. Simion cards have the security code with the card.

3) I'ver heard of people like you attempting to link accounts but haven't heard if it worked. It seems like it would work, but let us know?
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Old 07-01-2007
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Aspkin do you know if the cards have the security code too?

So you can create an account on paypal with a generic address and that's ok for the most part correct? But you should keep the name accurate? So which are you saying:

If Your Real Name: Jack Black
And Your Real Address: 26 Nothing Ave, New York, New York

Then Ebay Name: John Doe
And Address: 24 Something Street, Lincoln Nebraska

And Paypal Name: Jack Black
And Address: 24 Something Street, Lincoln Nebraska

Or are you saying you will want "Jack Black" on both, and the addresses can be switched? Just to clarify. Is there any reason other than shipping purposes you would have to have your paypal account use your real address?
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Old 07-01-2007
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I should have been more specific - Virtual gift cards
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Old 07-02-2007
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Originally Posted by Jack View Post
Aspkin do you know if the cards have the security code too?

So you can create an account on paypal with a generic address and that's ok for the most part correct? But you should keep the name accurate? So which are you saying:

For the most part yes. And just to clarify, I haven't actually done this yet. And no one I know has tried this. It seems like it would work fine, but most people just talk about it. Do it and let us know how it goes? Or read more about it to be sure.
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Old 07-02-2007
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Ok. Before I try, though, I just want to clarify what you think has the best chance of working. I'm thinking it's keeping the name correct on paypal, and having a generic address on both. That sounds to be the best way, as it could be seen that even though the ebay account is in someone else's name, the account is under a corporate manager's paypal account or something. Am I correct?

When you're creating a new account on ebay, what does the verification process look at and try to confirm again with your card? Was it the street address, and not the name or state/province? I seem to recall the zipcode needed to match. That might be a problem, but I'll try to work around. Thanks
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Old 07-04-2007
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Surely the only way you can move large amounts is by verifying your account and providing your real name. Of course you can change your address and hope thats enough to throw them off the scent. To do it any other way is tediously limited and draws more unwanted attention
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