About Ebay Flagging Accounts
Recently some of you may recall my trouble with an ebay member stalking my auctions. This is still going on and ebay has done nothing about it. But since this member has loads more feedback than me, they seem to be listening to him. At least that's what I think. Recently I had feedback removed by ebay trust and safety for apparently "abusing policy". I was told it was because the auction I bid on was the guilty party, but that all feedback related to it was removed.
However, the question is how this came about. I suspect Mr. PITA Stalker reported that auction. I really doubt that they would have singled it out otherwise. That's fine, no big deal. But now this has gotten me a little paranoid--I just bought a couple of low price items the other day and haven't exchanged feedback on them yet. Do you think that if I do, ebay will delete those as well? And would that probably land me in hot water with them? You can make the case that you really need these items, but ebay doesn't seem to want to listen. For all their "people are basically good" bullsh!t no less, they have the hangman's noose ready to go.
Currently my auctions have gone to a private setup due to this A-Hole causing so much trouble spamming customers lying and so forth. What if I get a number of low feedback bidders on my auction? Would they shut me down? Is ebay probably laying low, watching my auctions from afar right now for me to mess up or for things like this? Or is all of this just paranoia caused by this member's repeated stalking ways?
It's been about a week since the last "offense" Do you think enough time's past I can exchange feedback with these sellers? Or am I most likely still in ebay's crosshairs for a while? If so, how long do you have to wait to be in the clear?