Responding to questions by other ebay members - trackable by ebay? - eBay Suspended & PayPal Limited Forums
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eBay Tracking General discussions on eBay tracking, account linking, IP address, user accounts and more.

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Old 08-14-2010
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Default Responding to questions by other ebay members - trackable by ebay?

It used to be that when I received a question from an ebay member about an auction of mine - when I hit the reply button I either got their email address or a 'followtheyellowbutton' messege as their email.
In the last few weeks I noticed that this has been changed to another system wherein the email address is the user's name (or a variation of it) followed by
I used to respond to member if I had their direct email and if I realy needed to respond to the 'followtheyellowbutton' ones id log in to my ebay account. Logging in is a pain because it means switching to the user account and using my dial up just to do so - it gets to be quite time consuming.
My question is this - now that they implemented this new system does it mean that every single email I send as a response goes through ebay and on to the ebay member who asked the question? if so does it mean that ebay are now able to track me and link my various accounts if I use my actual IP and not the dial up when answering from within my various email accounts? It would seem to make sense to me that that is indeed the case since the IP address is logged with any email you send out (that is the case right?).
If anyone could confirm this that would be greatly appreciated.
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Old 08-14-2010
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If you reply to an email and its sent to, then yes, the IP you are using at that time would hit their system
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Old 08-14-2010
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This is something I've questioned, sure they could have the IP, but would they track it?
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Old 08-14-2010
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Originally Posted by madsam View Post
but would they track it?
Maybe, maybe not. But why put bullets in the gun. If logging off and changing IP is 100% safe, then that's the best course of action IMO
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