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eBay Tracking General discussions on eBay tracking, account linking, IP address, user accounts and more.

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Old 10-28-2010
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Default What about SSL CERTIFICATES?

I just recently started studying ssl certificates and realized that theirs websites that never let you erase their certificate. And microsoft gives you a permanent certificate that shares with every website to distinguish you. Also Since I'm retiring as a real ebay pusher these days they've pissed me off to the fullest. I will share with you that ebay is tracking you through the same ways google tracks you. If you study ways google tracks you then you will realize what i'm talking about and how to get if off your computer. But just remember that everytime you access the internet your infected with the code even if you don't go to google. Everybody has google infected in their PCs from the factory. Google Prides them selves in knowing what your searching for so they know which words to sell their advertisers. And it can also be your downfall in getting accounts linked. Hope You guys are still enjoying the world of auctioning.

How Do I erase SSL certificates even the permanent ones I feel I'm being tracked even through them.
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Old 10-28-2010
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By the way I do not believe in buying new computers to go stealth. That does not solve the problem and my intelligence does not prosper from this kind of thinking. I like to learn about computers and how the interworkings work and how to fix and change so I can.
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