how new is too new?
I've been lurking about on the forum a bit now, and I've got a few questions.
first a bit of background:
My boss bought eBay Stealth and had me read thru it, and he's basically taked me with setting up his IT infrastructure so he can make sales. At the moment he's selling primarily phone batteries, which I've noticed after reading thru the forums a bit more, is a touchy category. in fact he got the ban hammer after about a month and a half of selling, which is why he called me to get the technical side of things set up. VPN's seem riskier than they looked in the guide, so im planning on setting up a combination of VPN's and dedicated boxes at certain locations around town on internet connections I can trust.
Anyhoo, how old of an account (time, FB, etc) should we have before we start making sales in the cellphone battery department? Do they consider any sales in this category "suspect"? What would be the best way to get my boss back to selling batteries for cellphones asap?