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Old 06-11-2012
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Default how new is too new?

I've been lurking about on the forum a bit now, and I've got a few questions.

first a bit of background:

My boss bought eBay Stealth and had me read thru it, and he's basically taked me with setting up his IT infrastructure so he can make sales. At the moment he's selling primarily phone batteries, which I've noticed after reading thru the forums a bit more, is a touchy category. in fact he got the ban hammer after about a month and a half of selling, which is why he called me to get the technical side of things set up. VPN's seem riskier than they looked in the guide, so im planning on setting up a combination of VPN's and dedicated boxes at certain locations around town on internet connections I can trust.

Anyhoo, how old of an account (time, FB, etc) should we have before we start making sales in the cellphone battery department? Do they consider any sales in this category "suspect"? What would be the best way to get my boss back to selling batteries for cellphones asap?
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Old 06-11-2012
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Yes they do consider it suspect.

In fact they have a monthly limit of how many cellphone batteries you can sell in any given month until you have a proven track record, aka feedback and some good sales.
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Old 06-12-2012
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Welcome to the forums.


My boss bought eBay Stealth and had me read thru it.



Anyhoo, how old of an account (time, FB, etc) should we have before we start making sales in the cellphone battery department? Do they consider any sales in this category "suspect"? What would be the best way to get my boss back to selling batteries for cellphones asap?

Business model question /sign off.
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Old 06-12-2012
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well that would explain a lot.

Is there a limit on, say, cases and accessories as well?
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Old 06-12-2012
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Originally Posted by yotano211 View Post
Yes they do consider it suspect.

In fact they have a monthly limit of how many cellphone batteries you can sell in any given month until you have a proven track record, aka feedback and some good sales.

Any idea what the limit might be or how long of a track record you'll need to have that limit not be a factor?
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Old 06-12-2012
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Your boss?

Guess I have never read that one here before.

Yes, listing will be limited anyway on a new account.

Probably will get the category limitations right off.
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Old 06-13-2012
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well I guess "boss" is an inaccurate title. Basically he hired me to do his internal IT stuff relating to these issues while he handles the business side of things. Anyhoo the question remains: What's a safe level of reputation to start selling in these categories?
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Old 06-22-2012
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Hope you get it figured out and start stealthing "like a boss"
Doers usually don't talk much, and talkers usually don't do much
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Old 06-23-2012
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Default Wait time to sell

As you said, this item is a high risk item. From experience (I sell cosmetics) there really isn't a true answer for you. You can have 20 positive feedbacks or 100. It's really a hit or miss when selling high risk or VERO products. You're taking the risk of being suspended again.. (Been there, done that) Just when you think the coast is clear, your auctions are removed and your account suspended... Even when you go stealth, the only way to play it safe is to minimally spread your sales through multiple accounts. If you read the guide and check out the forum, most sellers go this route. Hope this is helpful. Good luck to you and your boss..
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