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eBay Tracking General discussions on eBay tracking, account linking, IP address, user accounts and more.

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Old 06-19-2012
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Exclamation Regarding the creation of stealth accounts and linkages

Hi guys,
I recently finished reading through eBay Stealth, but I must admit I am a little confused. I have created a list of questions while I was reading through the guide, and was wondering if any of you would be so kind as to help clear the air with me. Here it is:
1. If I create an eBay Stealth account for selling activity, should I also create a stealth account for buying activity? The reason I ask is because I would still like to use my old suspended ebay account, so that I can just buy my inventory and have it shipped to my house, while having a seller account registered to my friends house an hour away from me. It would be a hassle for me to have to constantly go to his house to pick up my shipments if I also registered an account under his name for buying activity as well, but if I did this could I just use his address as a registration address and change the shipping address to my address? (would they be able to link?).

2.The other option I was thinking about was, using my roommates recently created Ebay account registered under our current address, and use that account for all of my buying activity, while using the friend’s account for selling. However, because I was suspended around the time he just moved in and created that account, and we have been using the same router, would that present a risk for linkage? I am also worried because I was thinking maybe because his credit card has the same address as my suspended account, that ebay will track this somehow?

3. If I get a friend to create my seller account, would he also register his credit card, and then just transfer it to his bank account for withdrawals? If I do this, can I later add another one of my debit cards (one that I did not register yet with paypal)?

4. From an experienced stealth user's point of view, what would be the simplest way of reducing risk regarding my current dilemma?

I’m sorry if I’m asking too many questions, but I just felt it would be better to ask instead of hastily creating a new account with the wrong knowledge… I appreciate all the help if anyone decides to help! Thanks!
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Old 06-19-2012
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1.If your old suspended EB/PP A/C is NOT restricted as a buyer A/C, then by all means use it for this purpose. You can create a separate EB/PP seller A/C but revise your current approach about using your friends details - that is NOT recommended; rethink this. You would create a LINK in what you are thinking of doing.

2. This new room mates EB/PP A/C is LINKED.

3. You need to stop thinking 'friend this, friend that' & start thinking EVERYTHING as NEW & from scratch, never used before on EB/PP. You need to research this area on the board.

4.Slow down & research & revise your current plans.

Good luck.
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Old 06-20-2012
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You will need separate user accounts if you are using the same computer and different IPs.

If using different computers then you will need to watch the IP closely.

Using the same address wont work, it might for a bit but if one goes down so does the other one.

Find a way to switch up the address a bit or share the cost of a PO Box and one of you use it.
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Old 06-20-2012
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1. While using old info is never recommended, if you absolutely want it very separated from new accounts - one slip up could cause problems especially when you are new to this.


3. Don't use a friend - do it yourself and stealth.

4. There is no simple way - depends on wtf you're selling - what are you selling?
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Old 06-21-2012
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Default Much Appreciated Advice

Thanks guys for all the great advice, you are right I should not get my friend involved in this since there is some amount of risk involved. The reason I ask is because I'm selling VeRo items and as I understand it is very easy to get flagged by ebay because of this. The reason why I got suspended was because I was new to the repairs business, and had been dealing with customers for about a year and half, steadily gaining experience along the way. Recently I began selling high volumes of expensive smart phones because I finally reached the level of capital I needed to continuously operate my business with no delays. I called to request a higher selling limit, and it turns out I got put on the phone with some arrogant senior exec who decided to nitpick at my record (I had 2 negs in the past 12 months). After a long dispute process, I became sick and fed up with Ebay's bureaucratic regime and the way they ran things so I decided to make the Faustian deal and take arms with aspkin forum members.

So far so good, I've been reading up on the forums and google searching every question I've had while taking notes along the way. Thank you all for the quick replies, I will take it slow and do it right this time.
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