I am using a wifi repeater, I can't install internet here in my home country where I live at due to my landlord. Luxembourg in the center of Europe! Sucks!
Anyways I use wifi as a connection because that's all I have as an option. i use a wifi repeater meaning the router is on the 1st floor I am on the 3rd floor and only get 1 bar of signal. But as soon as I plug this in, I get full bars. I plug it in, in my room.

I mean it's a great thing to have guys. If you have a huge big house. And lets say the router is in the living room and you want this in your room. You just plug it in between where you can get at least 1 bar of signal and this thing will give you a full 5 bars! And you can go beyond that room you wanted to go at least a lot further.
Anyways back to topic. I can get a dongle that you guys talk about a USB memory stick looking device to hook up to my laptop here. (vodafone is not in Lux) But the problem is here in my country we don't have that many options as it's very tiny!!!! So no idea about it connecting to different phone numbers? When it's very limited and might only have like 25 numbers. I want to get more stealths then just 25 for sure. Unless there is some kind of a secret I can use the same number to open up/run more then 1 per number? I was even thinking of getting one from the USA shipped out to me with unlimited plan of some kind but then again the connection numbers would be from USA and not where I want it to be at. Unless I am wrong and don't have the correct information on this.
The closest thing I came to was
Private WiFi - Protect your Identity and Sensitive Information on any Public WiFi Network with a Personal VPN
From searching on here. Gives you ip address etc. But no idea how many total? I am still waiting for customer support to email me back.
So I was thinking
VPN, no idea how to explain this one to myself is this where I log into a service and browse with it using some kind of a device on their end like a condom? Meaning the condom is the
VPN server? Do I have to keep on cleaning over and over the browser on my end with my laptop? I am not 100% sure that
VPN is like I log into a system piggy back and use that IP only. I am also worried about using an IP that has been used already.
Like VPS, I understand VPS is a server where I log into and it looks like windows or apple another computer remotely around the world or where I want it to be. I am not 100% sure but I think VPS would be the best bet to go then again I am worried about IP addresses that have been used and I know not to use the services on the first few google pages as they are popular for this also. I understand with VPS I don't need to clean out cookies or use ccleaner cause it's only for the use of that account only so it's fine.
Also would it be safe to use pp to pay for VPS services?
Not much of a tech person as I use to be back in the day.
Sorry to sound like a noob and all. I know a lot of stuff in the business world but tech stuff. AHHHHHH I almost went out and got 10 mini laptops before reading the
Stealth Book. And was about to use 10 different hot spot caffee locations for their wifi. Thank god I didn't do that. Would of been a waste! Phone numbers I got it down as here I can get one for 9 euros a year. SIM card that is. And it's prepaid so I know these numbers have never been used at all and I can travel the world with these phones and will work in roaming areas also. So that saves me from using online services that have been used before by others and possible to lock an account out.
Thanks, Ghost. Sorry for the long questions and boring stuff. Just not a tech person as I use to be.