Ebay was a good and simple idea once
EBay was a simple good idea once.
After being suspended a few times from eBay I have grown a bit tired . There is no customer relations that is worth while and they treat small sellers like cannon fodder.
Ebay is suspending so many small sellers it has not got the staff to deal with it. So they just invent a way of using the seller agreement to cover themselves. A sort of one size fits all approach. Just to shut the seller or buyer up.
Its quite surprising at ebays lack of customer relations towards its small sellers. And buyers ; Almost like there paranoid.
Ebay is an American company and was born in America , So it’s a huge surprise that they have succumbed to treating small sellers that way. ( Americans put the C in customer relations. No one and I repeat “ no one does it better then Americans ) I always remember the 1st time I had a holiday in the south and how we were treated out eating. So well and so friendly. Made our holiday a joy.
Ebay was born quite innocently too. Simple idea, but very effective at the time. Very simple idea to help locals sell their household hang on’s to other people in the local area. A springboard from the cute American idea of the garage sale. ( we adopted that great idea here too) and you don’t have to drive far till you see someone’s unused goods on the front garden or garage. We adopted that from America and it works too..
As a British person I have always had a huge respect for American ways of doing business .
I would say that eBay has been a victim of its own success, And they have broken new ground , they have had to negotiate there way through some unknown territory due to the massive use across the world. They have found that distance selling is fraught with problems. That goes for sellers and buyers too. People have found that its not a level playing field, and the honesty of some people cannot be relied upon . As there is no face to face transaction and if you cant see the person your dealing with, then its easier to just rip them off.
That’s an indictment of the world that we find ourselves in.
So the innocent simple idea is turned into a kind of monster. To try to counter act this eBay have adopted a ruthless way of just wiping out small sellers & buyers at the merest hint of a problem. With no recourse to justice. Thats fine if the people they are suspending are a bit shifty or just bad. But increasingly bona fide honest sellers and buyers are being subjected to the same treatment , thats leading to huge resentment and discontent.. And you can be totally innocent .
So we now have a growning underground of people with a grudge and a hate that wont go away..
that’s fine if that’s what they are intent on doing to rectify the problems. But in the long run people will turn on eBay and you do not have to go far to see the reaction that is building across the world on the net.
Not a day goes by without a blog or news article about people slandering eBay. And it wont be long before the name will be stigmatised and hated right across the globe.
The other problem for eBay is the sue culture that’s prevalent in the states. They have to dodge law suits at every turn. Unfortunately that culture has appeared here too. That coupled with “ health and safety law” ( from our membership of the European union yuk yuk..) Has lead too some school kids not being able to go on school holidays. And outside activities too , because of “health and safety.” So mad it defies logic.
What eBay Is going to turn into I have no idea. But I’m certain they cannot go on the way they are now .
But I have noticed in the last few months that other auction sites are gaining in popularity. Take ebids.
A year ago they were lacking in customers. Now they have hundreds. ( lets hope they continue to grow and give us all a way out of eBay . Lets hope they have watched ebays mistakes and learned to take care of there customers.
Edited by Jason Rhodes
Last edited by badebay; 07-26-2008 at 04:19 AM.
Reason: b