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Old 07-28-2009
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Default Users need to know how to ask questions.

I keep seeing a lot of posts that all say "HELP ME PLEASE!!!" or "NEED HELP FAST!" or something similar.

Well, since so many people do that, how are any of us supposed to know WTF a question is without opening every freaking one of them and then finding out that 60% happen to be something we can't help with?

For instance, I open one and it's about Merchant Processing. Well, I can't help. I open another about CC Now. I can't help. I do this with 20 more and finally get one that I can help with. Lots of wasted time for generous people like me. I spend an hour finding out that I can't help, then find a few I can quickly dispense with. The idiots are stealing my time from needful people.

I hate to say it, but I'm not even going to open those anymore. People who want something from me should at least make it easy for me to help them. They should post their question in the right topic and name their post something sensible.

Example: "How do I set Auctiva to give feedback?" or "I want to change my MAC address." or "How to I fight a Paypal Dispute?"

And the multiple post questions by the n00bz is actually rude and they damned well know it. I say instant ban. It's old. Squeeky wheel gets the AXE, BayBay!
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Old 07-28-2009
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This is just like that last thread. Go take a break. You are OVERDOING the 'I'm a helpful poster' act. Go chill out.
HTH do you expect them to ask a question when they are not even sure why they got suspended? 2/3 do not understand and the same 2/3 get lost in your over-kill answers.
Said it last time, will say it again, Chill out. It's a FORUM where people try to get answers. Not a place where they get told how to ask something.
as aspkin says BAH. as I say HUMBUG.
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Old 07-28-2009
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Look where I posted this. It's in the proper place. Should and could be reasonably discussed. You flamed me. I appreciate that.

Is it really too much for them to ask the damned question instead of scream help help help in an empty manner? Am I being a weenie for thinking maybe people can put just a bit of effort into their own problem?

Anybody here want to argue whether I do or do not genuinely help?

Really! I didn't deserve THAT from you, this time.

Last edited by Vicvelcro; 07-28-2009 at 10:57 PM.
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Old 07-28-2009
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You do a wonderful job of helping people. You try to as much as you can. BUT BUT, you let yourself down by your expectations that others have the same intellectual capacity as you. Ergo, you are overdoing your role. Here's a hint.There was another person here who wanted to be number one....think about that. Trust me it ain't happening again.
I am not going to go get a 'ra ra chours' for you to be told you are great. YOU ARE. But naffin' take a chill pill.
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Old 07-28-2009
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Originally Posted by GreenBean View Post
as aspkin says BAH.
I like this suggestion, but it's more of the way the forum is made then telling people what to do.

You can ask new members all you want to do something differently. It isn't until you change the rules do they listen.

I'll look to see what can be done about inspiring more descriptive titles.

I know I've seen those post lately and they're a bit much I agree.

Last edited by aspkin; 07-28-2009 at 11:33 PM.
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Old 07-29-2009
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Ok, that's what I was hoping to point out, both ways around.

I didn't post this in the general area trying to throw orders around like I'm somebody special. I put it in here as something to consider. Maybe discuss a possible solution or determine it's a lost cost - one way or the other.

It's a forum, as GB says. And I'm foruming. The idea might be bad, and so be it. I was simply bringing it up because it would be helpful if it can happen.
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Old 07-29-2009
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Old 07-31-2009
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I love all of you, way down to your little cotton socks..
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