word of warning about bonanza
if you list anything in breach of terms
they ban you and send an email to all your customers telling them to claim on paypal as they will not get your order.
i had to resend 112 orders when i got banned tracked and signed to secure my money
email sent to my customers
Hello xxxxxxxx,
The seller associated with your purchase, xxxxxxxxx, has been permanently suspended from Bonanza due to a violation of our User Agreement. This activity was identified after your order was placed. To protect our users, Bonanza errs on the cautious side when dealing with such sellers, and therefore we have permanently removed them from our community. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this has caused you.
Since this seller is no longer active on Bonanza, you may not receive the item you purchased. As such we highly recommend that you contact PayPal to file a dispute. For your financial security, PayPal does not permit Bonanza to file a dispute on your behalf. We have included information on how to start the dispute process below.
If you completed your purchase by logging into a PayPal account: File a dispute with PayPal online:
https://www.paypal.com/us/webapps/mp...n-resolutionIf you completed your purchase by manually entering a debit/credit card using PayPal’s guest checkout: File a dispute via telephone: 1-888-221-1161 or 1-866-888-4178Please have the phone number you entered on PayPal handy when contacting them so that you may quickly locate your order. If you do not remember the phone number you used when completing your payment, say “Representative” to speak to an agent for assistance.
The payment ID for your purchase: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Please note that a dispute affords the ability to interact with the seller via PayPal’s interface, while a claim allows PayPal to intercede and provide resolution in the event a seller is unresponsive. You can escalate a dispute to a claim within 20 days of the date the dispute was opened. Please do not close a dispute or claim until you receive your product or a refund.
Again, we are truly sorry for the inconvenience this is to you, and if there is anything we can do to help this process go smoothly or you’d like assistance with any other matter, please let us know and we will be happy to do whatever we can.
You can view your order here: