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Old 10-14-2011
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Default Newbie to the forum - Hello all got a couple of questions...

Hello there,

I am new to this forum although i shouldnt be the amount of headache i get from ebay.

Basically never done anything wrong and thats truthful, just suffering from another family member in the household that doesnt even live here anymore being suspended almost 8 years ago. Its like they suspended one of my first accounts due to it and said resolve it even though i explained i am not the same person! From then after i managed to get another account which ran for a while and then they suspended that from the last one and now its a never ending story.

Annoying thing is i am actually running a business and ebay is needed. Just got of the phone to them for my latest account which is under my misses name and even though its a different address the lady on the phone happen to mention at the end by the way your account is linked and now am just waiting for a suspension email once again! GRHHH!

So questions i have are, firstly despite reading alot online about it. Is there actually a guide which works rather than buying crap? Anybody here been running theres a while or does it mean you make a new account and thats gone in another 6 months? (of course providing your follow the rules and dont rip customers off). Lastly how does the paypal side of things work is there a way to have a bank account which you can withdraw to? or isit a case of just opening a new one as ive done this time and time again? or another way around this?

Any help will be appreciated!

Once again nice to meet you all.
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Old 10-15-2011
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Hello Nice to meet you

I don't have many EBAY accounts so others can probably answer your questions.
I have 3 EBAYS Accounts under my true identity, real name-real address, and real phone number. Actually I have four EBAYS but the fourth needs a different phone number as you can only use your same phone number on 3 EBAY accounts. I linked them on purpose (I've never been banned)

I have two Paypal accounts. If I am ever banned, all my accounts will go down because they are linked together. Hope that helps somewhat.

Now since you've been banned by Ebay, you would obviously never want to link any of the accounts to your banned EBAY account or ALL your Ebay accounts will go down
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