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IP Address Changing your IP address, multiple IPs, VPNs, hiding your IP, phone tethering, MiFi devices, hotspots and more.

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Old 01-22-2009
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Default Change IP on campus?

I live on campus at university. Every computer on campus seems to have the same IP address. How can I change it. It isn't like i can just unplug my modem. Anyone know any free VPNs that will work. I've used Personal VPN before but I'm not sure it will work again
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Old 01-22-2009
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Is that campus in the US?
Or Russia?
Or China?
Or Peru?
Or Iceland?
Or Sydney?

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Old 01-22-2009
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my bad. i'm in the u.s. thanks for telling me about the flag thing instead of just ignoring my post
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Old 01-22-2009
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Better to us dialup, or if you have a 3g phone like iphone use that tethered.

Some VPNs work, and some don't. There are a few post in the forums discussing VPNs, try doing a search for them.
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Old 02-23-2009
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Hope I am not thread hijacking, as this thread is a month old anyway. But I do have a similar question.

As of right now I do not feel comfortable figuring out the whole changing IP addresses at home routine. Eventually I will, but for right now I just want to have 1 or 2 back up ebay accounts, and I am fine setting them all up at different computers for now.

Anyway, as I said I have a similar question....
Every single computer at the college I go to has the same IP address. (I don't live on campus. I have my own computer and IP address at home.)
So I would imagine every single student and faculty that log into their ebay accounts from campus all use the same IP address.
There's no way if ebay flags one account and suspends it, that they would flag every other account that has logged on from the same IP address. I mean this isn't a huge college or anything, but I would guess that every semester there must be hundreds of people that use ebay from these computers.

So do you think I am safe using multiple ebay accounts on the campus computers?

Also I have a question about "remote port" numbers. When I look at IPBurger, there is a 5 digit remote port number, that seems to be different for each different computer I have used. Do these numbers get tracked too just like IP addresses?

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Old 02-23-2009
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Safe? Maybe, maybe not.

When eBay sees multiple eBay accounts accessing from the same IP, eBay won't link accounts by IP, but they'll use your cookies, flash objects, and personal information instead. If one of the accounts on the network become suspended, eBay will look at the other accounts trying to link an account..

It's not safe to do, and I do not recommend it.

Use dialup to setup your account, link it to Auctiva or something, and work from there.
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