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Old 12-02-2010
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Default Need a little help with odd situation

So about a month and a half ago i tried to list an item the same day the account was made to get my eBay suspended (on purpose). I was asked to fax in documents, I faxed them and no response for about 2 weeks. I contacted a chat operator and they told me it might take a little longer. To my surprise after a few days my paypal got limited even if i logged in only twice (once to verify it an once to make a payment).
Anyhow, today I received an email from ebay saying that they're sorry for the delay and that my account was reinstated, i logged in and everything is alright. But my Paypal is still suspended. In the Resolution Center there are no steps to remove the limitation (this only happened to me on accounts that couldn't be reinstated even after faxing and calling ebay repeatedly).
As I see it I can call paypal tomorrow and ask them what's going on, but i don't think it's going to have any effect. Another option might be to either link the ebay to a new paypal or to link it to an existing paypal which has been limited and reinstated (but has another ebay atached).
I'd appreciate any insight from experienced members on the forum and I hope you understand how valuable a month and a half old reinstated account is at this time of year.
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Old 12-02-2010
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Play dumb and tell them you you have done everything it asks to remove the limitations but it won't go away.

When I told them this, they checked my account then set it back to normal. Didn't even need to send in docs. *Lucky me

It's worth phoning and attempting to get it unlimited before switching Paypal accounts.

If you do switch accounts, you should make a new one in case it also get limited from getting linked.
Old 12-04-2010
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Your paypal account was already limited if it was a new account. You just noticed the limits possibly when you hit the velocity limit. If you call them they will probably ask you to verify a few amounts of $ they will deposit into your bank account. They call it "confirming" the account. Be very polite but firm with them upon what you need to happen which is lifting the limit (which is something that you will probably only earn over time, a few months or more maybe) Be gracious and tell them you forgive them for dropping the ball no problem but you held up your side so you need them to be responsible and honor their word.

I would make the call. It doesn't seem to me you are dealing with anything out of the ordinary

Last edited by Melissa1971; 12-04-2010 at 01:56 AM.
Old 12-06-2010
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Obviously neither of you understand my problem, i think you didn't even bother to read the entire post.

Anyway, I called Paypal and they confirmed that the Suspension was permanent on my account and that basically they don't want to do business with me anymore.
Any advice from the more EXPERIENCED MEMBERS on the forum, or do I have to PM you to get noticed? Should I create a new stealth pp with different name, address etc. and add it to ebay, should I add it to an existing paypal with a good record (and another ebay attached) or should I just forget about it?

What would you do and why?
Old 12-06-2010
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People are trying to give you some input and you bark back at them?

You cant roll in here with 2 posts looking to be spoon fed and then bitch at the people trying to help you

Get the stealth guide. Read it. Cruise the forum. Then you will have a handle on what to do and more detailed questions. There is no magic one sentence answer to getting back with PayPal. You will need to learn stealth
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Old 12-06-2010
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@kyoyf, first of all welcome to the forum.

For your case, your account is dead - sadly. In your shoes, I would open up a new account and forget the old one. Complete new stealth and wait 180 days on other account to have funds released.
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@pod: I have been a member on the forum for several months now, i have read the stealth guide, been "cruising" the forum almost daily, have dealt with stealth accounts for some months but just didn't have the need to ask anything until now. It seams to me that you're the one doing the barking now instead of being helpful.
The first two users who replied didn't understand the situation, unlike rsot who actually read the post and gave an honest opinion.

Any other opinions?
Old 12-06-2010
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"Obviously neither of you understand my problem"

Can you maybe think of a better way you could have replied?
And then you went on to demand help from higher members....
Nobody owes you anything so next time maybe be a little nicer. Maybe you didnt mean to come off as an ass, but you did.
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Old 12-06-2010
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Originally Posted by Markk View Post
Play dumb and tell them you you have done everything it asks to remove the limitations but it won't go away.

When I told them this, they checked my account then set it back to normal. Didn't even need to send in docs. *Lucky me

It's worth phoning and attempting to get it unlimited before switching Paypal accounts.

If you do switch accounts, you should make a new one in case it also get limited from getting linked.
How many times you done this before? I'm actually gonna start selling off a few accounts that are old and limited but never got around to UN limiting them.
Assume people are stupid...and you are probably RIGHT.
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And you obviously come off as a perfect gentleman!

"I'd appreciate any insight from experienced members on the forum..."

I didn't demand anything and I'm sorry if I offended anybody, but I don't think that anyone should go around trying to give advice to other people if they don't fully understand their concern.
I can see that you measure a persons knowledge on the matter in post counts and go around calling people asses. Thank you very much for being extremely helpful to the community!

@holymoly: I'm afraid I have already spoken to them, but nonetheless I wasn't asked to do anything to remove the limitation, that's just the problem, on permanently suspended account you have no steps to remove the limitations (as I have stated in the first post). Playing dumb couldn't have helped me at all, nothing could for that matter. Thanks for the advice though, it's worth trying on future accounts.

Last edited by kyoyf; 12-06-2010 at 05:51 PM. Reason: I saw holymoly's latter post after i have replied.
Old 12-06-2010
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Originally Posted by kyoyf View Post

I can see that you measure a persons knowledge on the matter in post counts and go around calling people asses. Thank you very much for being extremely helpful to the community!
See. Just as I suspected, you're just an ass that thinks the world owes him a favor. Have fun.....
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It's been extremely fun listening to your insults.

Any further input on the matter would be greatly appreciated.
Old 12-06-2010
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OP: Your account is toast. Stop playing around with accounts and just try to act normally like any other eBayer. This will help you in the long run and you'll be happier.
I hope you learned a valuable lesson in this matter and good luck with the new accounts.

The rest of you, perhaps it'd be better to ignore people if you think they are being weird / dumb. Unless you want to come off as an abrasive person.
It'd be a different story if OP was a total jackass, then he'd get a warning from the mods.

happy holidays!

Last edited by SaiJin; 12-06-2010 at 06:25 PM.
Old 12-06-2010
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Originally Posted by kyoyf View Post
Obviously neither of you understand my problem, i think you didn't even bother to read the entire post.

Anyway, I called Paypal and they confirmed that the Suspension was permanent on my account and that basically they don't want to do business with me anymore.
Any advice from the more EXPERIENCED MEMBERS on the forum, or do I have to PM you to get noticed? Should I create a new stealth pp with different name, address etc. and add it to ebay, should I add it to an existing paypal with a good record (and another ebay attached) or should I just forget about it?

What would you do and why?
too new here to be too smart. A little sweetness goes a l o n g way. You laid the foundations for the responses so live with them. I'll take into account there's language differences and you may actually not mean to be offensive

paypal no longer likes 'you'. Couple of factors are you are in a country known to be troublesome in the eyes of paypal. Your account is new and paypal does not want to risk 'you'. Without being specific what are you selling? High risk or average items.
I dont like the idea of a new account the way you suggested.Ideally INFO should match between ebay/paypal. Going your way of new stealth details will trip another few flags with paypal.
Considering you are after preserving an account ( which by the way is a great idea) why risk attaching it to another account in good standing at this point. You've created a LINK and that means danger.
Where I'm coming from is keeping you going with what accounts you have.

And now we come to the sad fact, imo. Leave the ebay account alone as a selling account. I'd like to sound more encouraging but....
I'm saying that because I prefer to advise users to keep accounts rather than make 'em and lose 'em.
Old 12-06-2010
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Originally Posted by holymoly View Post
How many times you done this before? I'm actually gonna start selling off a few accounts that are old and limited but never got around to UN limiting them.
I've done it twice on UK accounts and about to do it again... I hope I get away without needing docs again :-)

Obviously neither of you understand my problem, i think you didn't even bother to read the entire post.
I'm used to dealing with UK accounts and thought your situation would be the same. If your account was a UK one, my post would have made perfect sense; unfortunately it's different than I imagined. I did read your entire post in an attempt to help you, I'd appreciate it if you didn't treat me like a piece of dirt next time.
Old 12-06-2010
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bah, cross-posting with SaiJin.

We'll let it run to get it well out of the way
Old 12-06-2010
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Ah ok, I'll let GB handle this.

*passes the Glock to GB*

*off to Xmas shopping*
Old 12-07-2010
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Thanks for the advice guys and again I am sorry if I offended anyone, we all are here because we want to make money, not waste time.

Obviously I am going to forget all about the account and go on to others.
Thanks for your input.
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