So one of my accounts got limited about 3 weeks ago. They asked me to change password, verify email and provide address verifcation. I completed all three and the limit was lifted. Yesterday I get the same limit again. Anyone care to shed some light on why this is? DO I send them them the same info for address verification again?
The complete step-by-step guide to get back to selling today!
@shady, Behave. Answer his question without more inane questions.
@djmusic, yeah paypal are known to do limitations like that within a short time frame.
If you are comfortable with talking to them, consider calling from a secure phone to see wtfudge is going on. Maybe that the account does not 'quite' meet their definition, if you get what I mean. So they poke you again.
Now, play your coolest happy customer role. But bear in mind, the account is flagged.
Good Luck
__________________ REAP WHAT YOU SOW. LIFE IS SO NOT FAIR.
this is completely outside of ebay. and yes it was purchased from a reliable seller on here. will wait and see what happens
I can't explain it much, but lately PP has been getting crazy, even when some of my accounts make small purchases outside of eB ay. Anything done with eB ay is fine, but the minute I make an outside purchase, it triggers reverification and I just keep sending the same stuff and everything goes back to normal in 24 hours. VERY ANNOYING :(
this is completely outside of ebay. and yes it was purchased from a reliable seller on here. will wait and see what happens
Yeah, I meant PP not EB anyway. :D
Was this the first sale when they limited you or have you done many sales before with this PP account?
Just do what GB said and phone them, get a quick answer if possible and let us know what they said. I would like to know the solution for this one as well. Thanks.
__________________ "Guess whos back, back again
Shady's back, tell a friend"
you might also be getting this if you are logging on from a different computer. when i was traveling and needed to use internet cafe, i would get limited every 2 weeks, sent them same info every time...
my account is a couple months old. I have received many payments (~75) so its not the first. also using the same computer/IP. will let you know what happens