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Paypal Limited PayPal Limited Account – A general forum on PayPal limitations and how to either lift them or create new accounts.

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Old 12-04-2008
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Default Limit Lifted =]

My limit was recently lifted after I called and explained to them my situation. Now I'm just wondering what people think about withdrawing the money. I want to do it slowly just because I'm paranoid i'll be limited again but does anyone have any advice about how long i should wait before attempting it? Also I know I should withdraw little by little but how much is little? I have around 500 in it so i figure do 200 2 times and 100 1 time. Any advice would be appreciated.
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Old 12-04-2008
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I have withdrawn 300 a day without my account being limited. I guess I would not suggest going much higher than that. But after getting your limit lifted, I would think you would have a good chance of getting all of it out because you have spoke with them and when they look at your account they will see that you did communicate with someone to get it lifted. That is just my 2 cents...
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Old 12-04-2008
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Hi i withdraw £500 a day from paypal it did cause a issue for my first withdrawl but now its all going through ok. maybe because i have more then £500 going into paypal daily.
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Old 12-04-2008
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I vertified my paypal account with the 2 small deposits, and card vertification.
Im withdrawing $1200 a day with no promblems yet.
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Old 12-04-2008
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thats great stuff.
Its all about building a history with paypal and getting them to know the way that you trade. I bet you have as much going into paypal if not more.
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Old 12-04-2008
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Once you get your account empty....
You might want to abandon it for a new one with no system flags
Once you go Mac you will never go back
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Old 12-05-2008
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Originally Posted by Here We Go Again View Post
Once you get your account empty....
You might want to abandon it for a new one with no system flags
Yeah I was planning on doing that but then I'm thinking wont it be more vulnerable to being limited? I've heard the ones that are fixed once are less likely to be limited again. Also, if I do make a new one should i use the same information as the one I have on this paypal acc? Or get new everything?
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Old 12-05-2008
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Originally Posted by Johnny_88 View Post
Yeah I was planning on doing that but then I'm thinking wont it be more vulnerable to being limited? I've heard the ones that are fixed once are less likely to be limited again. Also, if I do make a new one should i use the same information as the one I have on this paypal acc? Or get new everything?
If you use the same details then its not worth closing it down as you will be linked. Use new details all together.

What i would recomend is once it has been emptied then instead of closing it down keep it running and use it for small transactions. You might be right when saying once it has been limited then reinstated paypal feel more confident in you so its less likely to get limited soon.

Open a new pp in the meantime.
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Old 12-05-2008
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Originally Posted by sairah View Post
If you use the same details then its not worth closing it down as you will be linked. Use new details all together.

What i would recomend is once it has been emptied then instead of closing it down keep it running and use it for small transactions. You might be right when saying once it has been limited then reinstated paypal feel more confident in you so its less likely to get limited soon.

Open a new pp in the meantime.

I want to but going to the bank for a new bank acc everytime this happens is a real pain considering it'll probably be happening a lot. Also, online bank accounts for some reason arent that appealing to me. In conclusion, this has been such a hassel and stressful problem that I just want to get the money out, recollect some thoughts, and see if I'll be selling again. Especially with the type of crazy buyers out there.

Fave line from the paypal rep: "You're lucky you returned the customer her money and she returned your girlfriend's handbag to you. If she had taken it up with paypal security we have permission with partners such as gucci, coach, etc to destroy the bag if any doubt of its authenticity. This means you would not get any money back and you'd have lost your item."

How can I continue to put up with these people when they blantly admit they would have destroyed an item of mine with no regard to anything. The lady had no proof it wasn't authentic yet they expect me to have proof it is. It's too much dealing with them. I'm done for a while until I do some more research.
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Old 12-05-2008
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Might i add that their official reason i got limited which they emailed me about was something tottally different from paypal. At first their reason was my money transfer to my friend was highly suspicious...and in the end? It was all about ebay. That's so not right but I don't want to sound naive, not right is what they're all about. I knew it from the start after reading all these stories.
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Old 12-05-2008
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I can understand what you mean. Im in the same boat. Ive taken Aspkins advise and have got myself a website. Trying to get it in all the search engines and shopping sites ready for the new year. Its been up and running for a couple of months now and has many benefits. Hopefully by march 2009 should have some steady trafic. Then when i build my website reputation at least i know if something gos wrong i wont have to start over again like you do with ebay accounts. Gives you more security that your building a name for many years to come.
I would love to say the same about ebay but if you souly rely on it then your business is insecure. Still it brings in good sales, keep a permenant rep and face on the net with your website and scam the scammers on there own auction sites.
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