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Old 02-07-2010
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Default Risk of losing paypal account?

I have a main ebay account and a main paypal account. I love my main paypal account because it's pretty much iron-clad. I've beat limitations on it and I can receive $3000 in a day without worrying about limitations. My SSN and personal info are all on those accounts.

Sadly my main ebay account just got a 1 year suspension and it's linked to my main paypal.

If I make a stealth account but don't link it to my main account, can I still use my main paypal account for payments on my stealth ebay account?

I'm pretty sure the answer is no, but I'm hoping that someone tells me otherwise.
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Old 02-07-2010
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Try creating a new ebay account with the same info as the last one- just different email and username on a new user account and link it to the old paypal account, build up bit of feedback and then create seller account with it. Sometimes this can work but often ends up getting suspended but not immediately. I had one recently with similar siutaion, created a new a/c as above and it ws fine for a couple of months, but then I created another account as on same paypal as back up and they restricted accounts pending a review and havent heard from them since. If all you use the PayPal account for is ebay then this is worth a try, and its very unlikely the paypal account will be limited for trying to create a new ebay account.
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