paypal account page end missing and lack of details - eBay Suspended & PayPal Limited Forums
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Old 02-16-2010
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Default paypal account page end missing and lack of details

Has anyone else noticed that on your Paypal account page the end section of monetry values is missing?

This is also made worse if you have someone with an unfeasably large name, or large email address, or other details makes a purchase.

Also they used to display how much they deduct from you when you receive a payment but they no longer do. if you want to see this you have to view each individual page.

I know why they now do this. When you could view this infomration before you would realise just how much they charge and I guess that puts a lot of people off so they crafty PP now hide this info out of sight out of mind.

I would rather see all the info so I know how much they are scamming me for each time.
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