how to correct a negaive balance in another currency - eBay Suspended & PayPal Limited Forums
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Old 03-04-2010
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Default how to correct a negaive balance in another currency

I have just had someone file a "not as received" dispute in paypal.

However as the payment was made from a US buyer and the currency is in US dollars I have a negative balance on my Paypal account.

I have funds in my Paypal account under the GBP (Great Britain Pounds) Balance.

Now when I logged in I got a message asking me to send a cheque to cover the negative balance in the US currency.

Is there any way to transfer the funds from the GBP fund to cover it?

I am only asking theoretically. I suspect I am being scammed and posted another question regarding if ioffer purchases are covered by Paypal.

Depending on whether they are or not will depend on what I do about this.

I am of two minds. 1 Im thinking I will not be scammed and 2 I think what the hell, I would rather sort this out and pay the scammer off. The last thing I want is to get a limitation.

Also the potential scammer has emailed me saying that they have not received the item but they will take a part payment to resolve the issue, go figure!

At the moment I just want to make it go away, selling is going good and I dont want this to mess it all up.

Any ideas how to pay this balance off?
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