NewJerseyMax are a unique snowflake.
My reasoning might still suggest that at least Ebay's first step of catching stealth accounts does not include sifting through first and last names. That might be important if accounts are already linked by some other way, and then a human looks into it.
So, I'm not carving this in stone, but if you're name is
Cottonballs Squeegee-Fuzznuts Fun-yuns, then you could make several accounts using your real name, and if you do everything else perfectly, then Eby/PP won't notice you, even though your name is unique (in the strictest sense of the word).
However...Why not use a cognate of your name.
Just for fun and to sort of discover this, I came up with 14 different versions of my own name while writing to a friend.
While there are only 55 of me (same first and last name), I found 2,308 people in this country with one of the 14 versions of my name I came up with.
If you can't think of another version of your name, I suggest you find out what your name is in another language. This way, a bank teller running a transfer won't flinch when she sees a different name. She'll assume that you normally use your "Americanized" name while in America, but your birth name was Russian.
For example:
Peter can become Petar (Brosnian), Petro (Albanian), Petr (Czech), Petri (Finnish), Petero (Swahili), Pietro (Italian)
John can become Juan, Giovanni, Johannes, Johan, Jon, Johnny, Jonas, Johnathan, Jonathan, Nathan, etc...
Not sure how to pronounce "XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXX," so I'll let you tinker with that, NJmax.
Last edited by Brainbuster; 08-23-2013 at 10:40 PM.