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Old 07-30-2008
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Default Create New Bank Accounts Online

Most larger banks have online sign up for checking and savings. I work with two banks and I open a new online account about every other month. They give me the account number right away. After Payal funds the first $100 the check card get mailed. Until the card arrives I just transfer the money over to my other account.

Once that gets going and I get the card, I call the bank's main number and tell some sob story of how I got scammed on Ebay long ago and now I change accounts every few months to keep my money safe. They always understand and usually have some good input. If the old account balance is $0 they simply cancel the account. Paypal tries to bill my Ebay fees and they get denied. The process starts over a couple of months later.

This has been working without problems for over a year now. Banks do not like Ebay and Paypal.
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