I Just Received PayPal Message "Bank Account Invalid" What to do now?
I opened 5 new PayPal accounts and then added a bank account to each PayPal account. I done this 3 days ago and today I just received the message for all 5 PayPal accounts: "Bank Account Invalid", What does this mean? Could someone HELP!!!
The PayPal e-mail that was received was:
Dear ********,
The two deposits that PayPal sent to your bank account as part of the bank confirmation process were returned to us for the following reason:
There was a communication error between our system and your bank.
If you feel this rejection is in error, you may also email PayPal Customer Service to confirm this bank account by going to: https://www.paypal.com/au/wf/f=act_verifyba
Any advise would really be appreciated....