Methods for text verification?
I used Text+ when creating EB and PP accounts earlier this year. The app provided me with a number so that I was able to "clone" my iphone, and use that number to receive the initial code.
Fast forward to the present, and I have some dough in the PP account I would like to withdraw to a fresh real bank account. So when attempting to add this new bank acc to PP, they ask for phone verification. And waddaya know, the Text+ app has ceased to work.
After making a couple of tests I find out that the free app has expired, so I remove it and install a new version, and now the test works - I'm able to receive a text from another number. But when I enter this new number to PP, they say they sent me a text, but it never arrives!
I went ahead and downloaded another app - TextMe, and the same goes for it!
Are PP able to identify that the numbers are of apps and not real phones?