Withdrawal Sent Back (Mismatched Names)....
I have never had an issue until now...actually, never had an issue with this particular bank in general until now. I have several accounts with them, deposits from mismatched names have gone through fine. Recently had a large sum withdrawn from paypal...paypal ended up limiting me for increased sales. Withdrawals hit the bank then the bank restricted all of my accounts and sent the money back to paypal. Reason they told me on the phone was because of withdrawals in different names other than my own. The one account was already limited by paypal so I dont care about that one much right now. I had another account that had 3 withdrawals that got returned back to paypal...small amounts, one for 100 and two for 25. The paypal account isnt limited...no email, i can still do everything on that account. I see the original withdrawal says reversed on it and states there was a technical error so it was reversed.
Now my question here is...if I add a different bank account and withdraw the funds, will it be OK? I dont know if the withdrawal reversals raise a flag and the account will go down or what, so thats what I am trying to figure out. Anyone experience this?