Okay, I'm confused. I'm trying to streamline this as well and will have all stealth email accounts on gmail.
1. Can you not click on an "ebay" email (i.e. seller asks a question, item sold, etc) unless you're on a specific IP address to do so? Meaning you can't check all your gmail accounts on one IP address? It shouldn't matter as long as you don't click on any of the links for ebay, right? I was not aware of this so if someone could clarify...
2. Are "pop peeper" and "netvibes" the same program? If so, which is better for gmail purposes? I was wanting one of these programs for my main desktop (a desktop/user that I don't use for ebay) to check on incoming messages. But I want to be able to read messages from this or it will pretty much be useless.
Again, I was under the impression that you could read any gmail emails from any IP address as long as you didn't click on any of the links.