found another account (thats not mine) - eBay Suspended & PayPal Limited Forums
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Old 04-12-2008
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Default found another account (thats not mine)

This is crazy but true. I found 2 of my old ebay accounts. (well I thought). The one that was a year old was mine. (the user Id is my sons unique nickname) The second one was over four years old. The Id is something I use for most my user id's. The first three letters of my daugter's name then her middle name then a number. So I figure that must be my account too... Both account just say united states when looking them up.

Well I logged into the first no problem. The second one I had to try a few times for the password. Both accounts I forgot the email addresses for.

The second account I use my dogs name, ebay gives me the this is not a secure password. change it now or change it later. I pick change it later type in the numbers get into the account. IT IS NOT ONE OF MY ACCOUNTS. Not even close. I got scared so I logged back out.
Well of course I get to thinking how weird it was that I could have guessed the password. So today for laughs I found another account that was real old 0 feedback looked like it hadn't been touched in a while. I put in the username my dogs name (five letter name) I get the same message this password isn't strong enough. I was to scared to go any further.

What do you think that means? It is the weirdest thing. I am not a computer person but could ebays computers or servers or something have crashed and lost old passwords that are not used a lot?

The funny thing is the last couple of months I have read similar stories on people getting into other peoples accounts on accident.

Anyway I just thought I would share.
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Old 04-12-2008
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Siashay, I got this myself, however, ignore it. It seems that if you type in your password so it contains the username of the account, it gives you the change password option. However when you try and change it, and log back in, nothing happens.

I've got an account that is a good 4 years old, used an old email addy and can't remember for the life of me the password. I entered all of the security questions (they WERE genuine ones), but they keep showing as incorrect, which is so frustrating. But when I entered my username as a password, it just led me to the change PW form, but no success after that.
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