Here is the email
The following listing(s) have been removed because of concerns with your account:
All associated fees have been credited to your account. We'll send you a separate notice about your account status.
To help improve your listings, consider the following tips:
-- Limited selling history; Please use other items to build up your selling history. Members are more likely to buy 'High end' items from established sellers.
-- We recommend that you include clear detailed photos of the item that show its authenticity and condition, as if you had no description of the item, however also provide a clear and detailed description.
-- For the security of your account and the member community, please verify the source of your product to ensure its authenticity.
-- We have received a high number of reports questioning the authenticity of items from dropshippers recently. It appears you may be using one of these suppliers.
-- Keep in mind that if your items are not authentic or you are unable to verify the authenticity of your items, you cannot list them on eBay. Do not relist this item.
Items are not vero vero items if that makes any sense.. Ebay considers these as HIGH end as they sell fast and are rather expensive $50 plus
I purchase from a major US Distributor so im not worried if the items are legit or not cuz they are..