Paypal finally asking for me with a few questions please
Hello everyone, thank you in advance for your help and input. I currently have 2 stealth ebay accounts with 2 stealth paypal accounts which I sell entirely different items on. My first account is fine but for the second, paypal is asking for my SSN after about 4 months of use. I followed the stealth account to the letter for both but this was inevitable I suppose. I am still able to withdraw from my paypal account and sell on ebay, from my research on this site I believe I have about a month before that is no longer the case. I have a few questions I would like to get straight answers for if available and I would greatly appreciate any help.
1. I have read in the past, I believe it was Aspkin who stated it, that you can call paypal and refuse to give the SSN citing identity theft concerns and things of that nature, has anyone had any luck with this?
2. Will my ebay account also be limited/suspended because of this?
3. I suppose if I can't find a workaround I will have to find another way to accept payments assuming my ebay accound is intact. I do have a Chase Paymentech account I use for my website but I looked and could not find any info on ebay integration, does anyone have any expierence with this?
4. Also regarding the Paymentech account, I sell mainly 10-15 dollar items on this account but at times I sell 50 of these items per day. I would be interested in how seemless the integration would go, as far as invoicing and buyers making payment, so that i would not have to spend all day in front of my computer screen.
Thank you again in advance,