**ABUSING EBAY*** WHY??? Here's One....
HI- This information comes from not just a 1 wk or 2 wk experiment, but from over 5 months + 40 + accts lost...
I was able to eliminate--everything..i.e.
photos,phones,locales,using auctiva, gift cards, ip ranges, states, items, user ids, email address prefix, I searched and searched ..loosing accts on Purpose to figure this out..
** Tonight at 7Pm, this verified for certain...Lost another acct--other 2 accts on same ip still up.. this was the ONLY acct i did this on this time...
This was also verified through another member..
--The "ABUSING" I've been getting.. Has been coming from:
a.) Going into Buyer Requirements--Blocking Buyers from bidding....
** This has Also- been verified by me going back through all accts Suspended for this reason for the last 5-6 months.. All of them Share now ONLY 1 thing.... Blocking Buyers.....
(I was doing this as I had a very nasty competitor kept showing up as a newbie--neg me at auctions end, and kept following me around for months..)--so i just set up accts with this BLock..I guess they do not allow this on New accts with -0- fb..This is the MANUAL BLOCK..not the one chosen for you on new listings if wanted..... Just a Warning..
__________________ Always.. Be the BEST you can Be, at Whatever you do! Be Part of the Solution, rather than Part of the Problem. |